Ok, now that I got all of those cute pictures out of the way - here's a tiny update.
At my last appointment, the doctor said I was already dilating! YAY. I have another appointment on September 1st - just a little past 39 weeks. Good grief, J may never come out! I haven't even had Braxton Hicks contractions. I recruited my friend, Mindy, to go on a long walk with me the other night. I felt tightness, but no real contractions. FYI - spicy food doesn't work for me either - maybe because I eat it so much anyway. The whole oregano and basil bit is also a fail. Lame. Anyway, I realized that my cat (Meiko) loves Jackson's bed a little too much. He jumped in it THREE times - he normally is a really good listener, but he's insistant on being in this co-sleeper! I had to explain to him that even though I call him Baby Kitty, he is not infact the baby that will be in there, and I don't want cat hair on J's sheets. Poor kitty.
Jonathon is now at the point where he jumps every time I move. He asks about 5 times a day is my water has broken. I was hounded to get my hospital bag ready. I was scolded for going to the grocery store alone, where my water could have broken and he wouldn't be with me. He's too cute. I'm glad he's so into this. He has lots of plans for this baby - Jackson is already a football, basketball and baseball star. He apparently will also be a master hunter and he and Jonathon will restore an old car for Jackson's first vehicle. J will have to be a meat eater and he'll also love country music. I hope this pans out for Jonathon's sake. :)
Mindy was such a doll and went crazy at Barnes and Noble. She brought me several children's books that she feels every child should have. I love her for that. It was so thoughtful, and such a great gift! I love reading, so I hope that I can pass that to Jackson. Thanks Mindy!!
Jonathon has his first football game on Tuesday - the first. I'll make sure to take pictures to post!