My mom got into town on September 9 which was a true blessing since Jonathon had a long work week. She and I shopped, got our nails done and went out for Mexican food 3 times. We did anything to take our mind off Jackson not wanting to make an appearance.
We were scheduled for a 41 week appointment and induction on Monday, September 14 at 8am. Since Jonathon works nights, he got Sunday night off so that he could get some sleep and go with me in the morning. Lucky he got the night off! My mom kept saying that if I had to be induced, labor could be a lot harder than normal. We just prayed that wouldn't need to happen. Jonathon sent me to bed around 10pm, I woke up around 1am with some bizarre pain. I went and laid with Jonathon in the spare room, and while we watched tv, I realized that my bizarre pain was exactly 8 minutes apart. Once Jackson decided to come, he skipped all the pre-labor and things went really fast. By 2:30am, I woke my mom up and she and Jonathon started to write down the times I was getting contractions. I got the overwhelming feeling I wanted to just sit in the shower, and that helped the pain tremendously. By 4:30am, my contractions were 3-4 minutes apart.
We drove to the hospital, and when they checked me I was only 2cm dilated. The (male) doctor didn't want to admit me until I was 4cm - in the meantime I was needing something for pain since the contrctions were lasting a full minute and coming so often. We only had to wait about 45 minutes in the trioge room until the day time doctor was on, and she did want to admit me and bless her soul she ordered me a shot of some sort of drug that helped take the horrible edge off of the pain.
Once I got my room, and I was only in the hospital for about an hour - I had dilated 3 full centimeters. They didn't want to give me another shot because they were worried I'd progress too rapidly again and I would miss the window to get my epidural before pushing. So, I had a lapse of time where I had nothing - let's not do that again! I kept hearing that the epidural was so painful and the needle was so large - but I honestly felt like getting an IV was worse. After that, I didn't feel one contraction. They said they'd check me at noon and then see if we could start pushing. We thought Jonathon had time to go home and shower - well, they checked me at 11 and said we should push right then! We called Jonathon, and he drove the 1/2 mile back to the hospital.
After an hour of intense pushing - most likely the worst pressure of my life - we got our boy. His head is so perfectly round that it made pushing a lot harder! No cone head baby here. He ended up being 8lbs 4oz (which NO one predicted, even the doctors were shocked he fit in my belly!) and 20 inches long. He has Jonathon's coloring, ears and chin. He has intense blue eyes - now we know most babies have blue eyes and they can change - but they are so intense that we are thinking he may just get my baby blues!
He is a champ when it comes to sleeping, and he already is up to eating about 4oz every few hours. The doctor wanted him to eat 15ml every 3 hours - he ate 100ml in three hours! They were quite happy that he caught on so quick.
I have to say that Jonathon was absolutely perfect through the 11 hours of labor. He held my hand and was extremely encouraging. He even kept me calm when I wanted to kill the night nurse when she was too obnoxious to listen to anymore. He takes such great care of Jackson, he had him all night while he let me try and catch up on some sleep. Jon has caught on so quickly and just loves holding his son. When Jackson and I are laying with him, I don't think I've ever seen him happier.
It's also been amazing to have my mom here. After raising 6 kids, she is a wealth of knowlege and she has helped out so much! The extra hands around is really nice and it's good to have some company while Jonathon is asleep during the day. I am going to miss her so much when she has to go home.
We'll be in Colorado Sept 23-30 - so everyone should come say hello to our newest addition!!