Happy Thanksgiving!!! Since it's such a great holiday, I wanted to tell others, and remind myself of the things I'm thankful for. Here are a few:
My family is healthy. It's easy to forget sometimes how important something is when you've been blessed with it, and haven't known anything different.
Although Jonathon is working, at least he's not deployed. I don't have to worry everyday, and we're 1000% less stressed since he's home and safe.
We have a home, food on the table, new vehicles, friends, kitties, and the money to afford having some fun. I realize that not everyone does, and I'm very grateful we have these things.
Our wonderful families. Although we're far away, you're all in our hearts, prayers and thoughts each day.
Lastly, but most importantly - our beautiful baby boy, Jackson. He is wanted more than he could ever know. Our surprise baby has changed our lives forever in an amazing way and I look forward to spending time with him everyday. He is healthy, and happy and I can't ask for anything more. He is the center of our lives and definitely connected Jonathon and I more than we could have expected. He is truly a blessing and we love him more than anything.
We hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and very blessed holidays.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Christmas tree
Wrapping up November
I can't believe it's just about over! November seemed to have came and went faster than any month this year. It started out slow, and then just picked right up!
My mom came out for a week in the middle of the month. We went to eat our FAVORITE food, Mexican food, at On the Boarder several times and got pizza several times, too - which is funny because she normally eats very healthy. But I enjoyed my week of junk for sure! We also went to Kirkland's to pick out her gift (since she doesn't have a Kirkland's in Colorado). She got a beautiful wooden plaque that spelled out "family" for her wall going up the stairs to hang alongside pictures. My dad even liked it!
Meanwhile, Jonathon was with his friends in Michigan hunting. They didn't shoot anything, but they did have a funny bear story - although any other ending wouldn't have been so funny. Even though they weren't lucky, they had a good time. minus Jonathon's cold.
Jackson is just growing and growing! He is a tall boy. Just about every item of clothing he had is too small now. I already have a huge pile of clothes to pack. We bought him all new stuff. He can't wear very many of those pajamas with the feet in them because his feet are just too big. He smiles all the time and his laugh is too adorable. He is all about his blanket...there are times when he's just upset and nothing is making him happy - but if you pull out his big blanket and wrap him up in it (no, other blankets don't work..) he's a happy camper. He's particular, but that's ok with me. As long as it works, right? I made that blanket forever ago, and I'm glad he loves it so much. We've been buying the ready-made formula, and he seems to like that a lot better. However, it stains really bad if he spits up. (Notice the picture of that gross bib..) Besides all of the cutesy bibs, we own about 20-30 huge white ones, and he goes through a few a day.
Jackson is also on his last pack of size 1 diapers. Jonathon and I both have decided he needs a 2. I thought this was unusual but the moms on my baby board online are saying their kids are moving into size 2's as well. Glad he's on target. He's supposed to start cereal the end of next month. Lots of moms swear by giving it to them early to help them sleep. I tried this once, and didn't notice any difference in his nap, so I stopped. We'll wait until it's actually time. I'd like him to stay a little baby for just a bit longer. :)
On to some other great news - Jackson is sleeping in his own bed and through the night. The last couple days he's been sleeping all day and up all night - but his normal schedule is he only wakes up once during the night and that's usually around 4-5 am. I'll take it!
Jonathon put up our Christmas tree. He works Thanksgiving, so we put it up early, but it isn't decorated yet. We'll do that this weekend when he has more days off. Mindy and I are going shopping on "Black Friday". It will be my first year going. My sister, Jennifer, was all about this the last few years - I slept in. But this year, we're hitting the stores. Jonathon and I already got Jackson's first Christmas ornament. We got it at Things Remembered and had it engraved with his name and date of birth. I love it! We also got him lots of "Veggie Tales" DVD's, clothes and some other things. Let me explain the DVD's - - Yes, I know how young he is. But, he is facinated with the lights and movement on the tv. We figure that he should be watching something educational and not the regular tv. But no, I don't condone sitting children in front of the tv all day. (Side note: Jon and I have decided to veto Winnie the Pooh and Barney)
On our big shopping trip, we also got our Christmas cards. Each year, I look for beautiful cards to send out and I normally buy them at Hallmark. This year, I was worried since I didn't buy any last year for this coming Christmas - but Jonathon was amazingly sweet and got me the cards I wanted. He'll be rewarded for being so great this Christmas - but I can't tell you what I'm buying him yet, becuase he may read this. It should be good though! (If the Black Friday shoppers don't buy them all first!)
I'm also attaching some random pictures that I just found. We hope you all have been well - we miss you all dearly and we look forward to getting all of your cards for Christmas!
The Mackinac Brige
Monday, November 2, 2009
Another week, another post
Happy November!
It's fall and I love it! Originally, Jonathon and I wanted to get married in the fall. I love the colors and the crisp air - but February worked out great, too!
All my family and friends back in Colorado got dumped on with snow. I think I heard the official number was 2 feet in most areas. I know Colorado is supposed to get snow, but this was a ridiculous amount. They got more this last week than all of last winter! Meanwhile, here it was just warm and rainy. Leaves cover our entire neighborhood - especially our lawn (we have a MASSIVE tree in the front) and our street. It looks so pretty though since the leaves are all red, orange and yellow. Needless to say, even though it looks pretty - we didn't get out very much since it rained so hard. I took Jackson to Bed Bath and Beyond and the furniture store - but that doesn't really compare to a nice long walk.
By Halloween, Jackson was really ready to get outside. He loves going out and getting fresh air. Jonathon had that night off, but they needed him to patrol the neighborhood on foot with other cops. Great. Instead of sitting at home, Jackson and I got outside. We even ran into Jonathon and his partner - which we didn't expect at all, but was really fun. By the end, Jackson was conked out in his stroller, which I appreciated after several nights of him not sleeping at all.
The countdown started long ago, but Jonathon leaves for Michigan in 11 days. He's very excited about "shooting Bambi". I strong armed my mom into coming and visiting while he's away. I know that we won't be going home for any holidays this year, so I wanted one last visit. It's hard being away from her because we're friends. But we've both adjusted nicely and I am pretty used to being alone but it's great to have the company! She's in Phoenix right now, and this would be her 4th trip in 2 months so I know she's going to be ready to go home and stay there for a while. We're going to buy wood letters that spell out "Jackson" and stain them for his room. I've never done that before, but she has a million times so I figured it would be a good project. Jonathon and I have discussed moving him into his room after Christmas - and I think we're both hesitant but know it has to come.
Below are some pictures from Halloween and Jackson's costume!
It's fall and I love it! Originally, Jonathon and I wanted to get married in the fall. I love the colors and the crisp air - but February worked out great, too!
All my family and friends back in Colorado got dumped on with snow. I think I heard the official number was 2 feet in most areas. I know Colorado is supposed to get snow, but this was a ridiculous amount. They got more this last week than all of last winter! Meanwhile, here it was just warm and rainy. Leaves cover our entire neighborhood - especially our lawn (we have a MASSIVE tree in the front) and our street. It looks so pretty though since the leaves are all red, orange and yellow. Needless to say, even though it looks pretty - we didn't get out very much since it rained so hard. I took Jackson to Bed Bath and Beyond and the furniture store - but that doesn't really compare to a nice long walk.
By Halloween, Jackson was really ready to get outside. He loves going out and getting fresh air. Jonathon had that night off, but they needed him to patrol the neighborhood on foot with other cops. Great. Instead of sitting at home, Jackson and I got outside. We even ran into Jonathon and his partner - which we didn't expect at all, but was really fun. By the end, Jackson was conked out in his stroller, which I appreciated after several nights of him not sleeping at all.
The countdown started long ago, but Jonathon leaves for Michigan in 11 days. He's very excited about "shooting Bambi". I strong armed my mom into coming and visiting while he's away. I know that we won't be going home for any holidays this year, so I wanted one last visit. It's hard being away from her because we're friends. But we've both adjusted nicely and I am pretty used to being alone but it's great to have the company! She's in Phoenix right now, and this would be her 4th trip in 2 months so I know she's going to be ready to go home and stay there for a while. We're going to buy wood letters that spell out "Jackson" and stain them for his room. I've never done that before, but she has a million times so I figured it would be a good project. Jonathon and I have discussed moving him into his room after Christmas - and I think we're both hesitant but know it has to come.
Below are some pictures from Halloween and Jackson's costume!
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