Ahhh! We made it!
My mom and dad came to my rescue on the 22nd of November. My mother had the wonderful opportunity to fly in that morning, and then pick up my baby boy, and then fly out around dinner time. Hahaha, ok, maybe it was a lot of work, but she didn't complain one bit! My dad was totally punished and came to help me move.
Actually, on the 23rd, he taught Jonathon how to fix his breaks. They also tackled that stupid window. By the end of the night, he and Jonathon had my entire car packed and ready for the road. It was so amazing to relax the night my dad got in. He treated my sister, Jonathon and I to a steak dinner in Bowie. Ok - - I had a brownie sundae which is SO much better than the guys' steak. It was really the only break we got!
My mom told me that Jackson Lane was the best baby on the plane! He talked to everyone and did really well for not having enough room to lay down completely. However, the booger slept perfect for her, which I'm kind of disappointed about. He NEVER slept at our house. 25 minute naps...horrible! She got him to take a 2 hour nap each day. What the heck is that? Jon and I were totally disgusted with his little act. :) He's wonderfully unpredictable.
My dad, Melanie, my cat and I left Wednesday morning. My dad drove for about 1450 miles of the trip, I took over for only 350 miles of the whole ride! He's such a trooper! My cat slept the whole way, thank goodness.
I was so excited to see my boy. He gave me a big hug right away. He LOVES my parents house. He walks around like he owns the place. He shows me all the "pretty" things in each room. (He points to all of the Christmas decorations and says, "pretty!") He also calls the cats by saying "kitty kitty". J also really loves that there are so many people here. He took to his Uncle Matthew when he was a little baby, so now that Jackson can actually play, they have so much fun! Emilie is a little, er, big helper! It's so nice to have an extra set of hands. And my parents couldn't be more amazing with him. He loves them so much. I can run errands and he is 100% fine at home with them. After 14 months, I have more help than I could ever imagine! It's such a blessing.
In slightly less exciting news, Jackson really loves brushing his teeth. After I do them, he gets to brush them himself which he thinks is so cool. He graduated to a different toothbrush today. I've been looking for the perfect toddler one, but just couldn't find it. Today, I was looking for a cd for Jonathon's sister and came across the cutest Sesame Street toddler toothbrush. He got his eye teeth this week so we have just about a mouthful to brush.
Jonathon probably won't make it home for Christmas. He's been asking for orders for weeks and they still haven't given him hard copy orders. They "working on it" every time he asks. So, his outprocessing may not be done in time to get here. We'll keep our fingers crossed for a last minute change of plans. We'd hate for him to miss two Christmas' in a row. Especially since this Christmas is so cool! My mom, dad and I all went Black Friday shopping and we got some super cool items. Oh I LOVE Christmas!!