Jonathon is FINALLY home!! YAY! He's been home for almost 2 weeks, and it's been crazy but amazing all the same.
I gave him a pretty in depth tour of the house when he first got in. I showed him where everything is/goes, etc. However, this didn't stop the flood of questions on where to locate things. When I told him a certain closet, he looked lost. I have faith that he now knows all the ins and outs of our home. Great huh?
Not only can he find his own socks, but he has mastered the dishwasher (seriously) and he has taken almost all of the responsibilities of the dog. It's great to have him home - not for the help, although it's nice - but just to be with him. It's great going out to dinner a few times a week, and double dating. It's amazing that suddenly watching a movie at night seems like such a privilege and a blessing. He cooks a lot, and although we mostly eat totally different meals, we still eat them together. We walk the dog, and do laundry. It is all normal, mundane things - but I have waited over 2 years to do them with him.
I got him to pull up the backyard planters. Ok, well he did one of them. They are big & a lot of work. We still have two to go. Maybe tomorrow. When we got the house, the backyard was SO overgrown and awful. Within a half hour, we realized that most of what we thought was a planter was actually cement that was connected to our porch! Go figure. We want the planters to be ready for Spring planting. It was really funny - Jonathon got into BDU pants and his boots to tackle the outside mission. He then switched to his Gortex rain gear to bathe the dog.
I hope everyone enjoys their weekend!!
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