I hope everyone had a great Easter!
My countdown began long ago, but we're FINALLY only a few days away from finding out the sex of Baby Bird. Everyone has their guesses, obviously. Mine is boy - however, I have no reasons to back this up. If I go off of old wives tales, then it's a girl - but I'm still saying boy. Here are some of the old wives tales that predict it's a girl:
1. I'm craving sugar, not salt - which means girl
2. The wedding ring test went in circles, not back and fourth
3. The heart rate is over 140
I felt bad because I always hear pregnant friends say they just "know" or "knew" what the gender of the baby was before birth. I don't have a clue! I prayed one night that God would reveal it to me in a dream - I did dream about a boy, but Christina Aguilera was babysitting, so I think that voids the dream. I have also had dreams about a girl - it's driving me nuts.
Jonathon says it's a boy, but I think it's wishful thinking as opposed to what his gut is saying. We'll be happy either way, we just want to know that Bird has all of it's organs and parts - which we'll get to find out also on Monday.
The lab screwed up my blood work, which was horrible because you can only do certain tests at certain times through out the pregnancy. So - luckily, completely by pure blessing - I was only a few days away from my window of opportunity when I found this out. So, I just had to go donate more blood for analyzing and in May we'll find out those results.
We found out I'm NOT immune to the cat disease, and since we have a cat, I am not allowed to change the litter box. Jonathon has been such a trooper with handling that. Really, he's done a ton! Those first few months were really bad with me being sick, and he really handled a lot for me. He is however back to asking me to lay out uniforms and make his doctor appointments - so everything is back to normal. I'm feeling really good, just hungry!
Mexican food is my weakness. I lay in bed sometimes dreaming of burritos and salsa. I've also come to really rely on french fries. No odd cravings, just intense ones.
I will say that we picked our boy name. It's the ONLY name Jonathon and I agreed upon, so that's why it stuck. It's "J" name, and so is the middle - if it's a girl, we'll have to go back to the drawing board.
To make this post even longer - I finally found the bedding and gear we like. It took TONS of research, which I love doing. I have to read up on everything - and with safety reports now, I get even more info! I was bummed at first that Babies R Us seemed to be the only mass market for a lot of this stuff, but Bed Bath & Beyond has an entire section of baby things that I was unaware of. Everything we like is from there or Pottery Barn - so now we just need to find out the gender so we can order it!! I'm so excited I made that discovery because I'm a huge fan of Bed Bath and Beyond. The boys bedding is Eddie Bauer - tools...and the girls is dragon flies and butterflies - oh goodness it's adorable, but not cheesy. Our travel system is also there, by Chicco. I suppose this is more information than anyone probably cares about - so I'll end with that. Hope everyone enjoys their weekend - new post on Monday!
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