Saturday, October 31, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Leaving in 3 days...NOT.
I'm dreading his next doctor appointment...he needs shots...a lot of shots. I'm going to schedule his appointment for after Jonathon's hunting trip so that he can go with me.
Our biggest upset of the week happened on Friday. Jonathon woke up to a couple of calls from his flight chief. When Jonathon called him back, his flight chief was already at our house. Sounds serious. He ended up telling Jonathon that he is leaving for Iraq on Monday - as in 3 days from then. After lots of tears and energy draining emotion, Jonathon went to go out process when he was told he would not be leaving Monday. They explained the reasoning, and now we just have to wait until next week to find out if/when he's going. All of that drama for something the most likely won't happen! After a call to Shawna and Mindy, all I wanted to do was sleep...but Jackson had other plans. :)
Jonathon and I have agreed that we won't put our kids in day care until they are old enough to tell us what's going on there. After working in one, I can't imagine sending my kid there. So even though I'm house bound, Jackson and I are really enjoying having each other. If Jonathon does end up deploying, I'm considering getting a part time job to have something to do and leave Jackson with my mom. We'll see though, I haven't really wanted to give him up for any long period of time.
Jackson is still growing like a weed! Not only do the newborn clothes not fit, the 0-3 month clothes don't really fit either. He's just about in 3 months - the 3-6 are still too big. I can only find a few brands that carry just a 3 month size, but he's just tall so it's what he needs. Jonathon and I are really learning a lot about what works and what doesn't (ex we don't like Huggies, but we love Pampers and Luvs).
As for moving - this house has never really felt like "home" to us. We've had a hard time wanting to do much with it or even just settle in. Maybe it's because I moved in by myself...whatever the reason we're looking forward to something new. If we move to Denver, we'll get the most money which means we could buy a house and really settle down. Arizona would also give us enough - but after 3, now possibly 4, deployments to a desert, I think Jonathon may want distinct seasons. We'll see where he's needed though and hopefully it will be somewhere good. I suppose I'm not really bias to any base yet.
Here are some pictures. You'll notice Jackson is so wrapped up you can hardly see him. If we don't wrap him up, he doesn't really stay asleep if we're not holding he gets his big fuzzy blankets to nap with!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Photo sharing

Jackson is just growing like a weed. I remember my mom saying that about me, but I now know how true this statement can be. He officially is out of "newborn" clothes and diapers. It was actually just in time as we only had about 3 or 4 newborn diapers left when we decided that they were just too small.
We're also officially done with week two of being home by myself. I'm learning all the ins and outs of getting things done one handed. I am still currently learning that it might be (gasp!) ok to leave him in his swing while fussing if I have to be right outside our bedroom doing laundry. Still in the early stages of catching onto that one though.
We've discovered Jackson doesn't really love baths...he prefers showers. We put his towel in the dryer while he's in there so when he's done there isn't a huge temperature shock. He loves his warm towel. However, this also goes for his dad who reminds me to warm his as well. Spoiled boys. ;)
Jonathon leaves for his hunting trip in just a few weeks, and I'm starting to feel my hesitation. The mechanics of taking care of Jackson aren't hard - it's the 5 days straight with no sleep I'm worried about. I'm still trying to get my mom to come hang out - 5 days alone would be pretty lonely but I'll live with it if she's busy with her own kiddos.
As for the pictures... My Aunt Michelle was amazing enough to meet us in Colorado to do his newborn photos. He was a stinker a lot of the time and would sleep when we needed him awake, and be extremely alert when we needed him to sleep. She managed to get some adorable shots of him though and I never get tired of looking at them! I'm having such a hard time deciding which ones to frame because I love them all. I'm sure our house will have an overload of pictures of our boy. She also made me a collage (she's too good to me!) which we'll frame and put in his room. Enjoy!

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