We're home! We had a fabulous time in Colorado. I was shocked Jonathon got leave, and everything just fell right into place. Our doctor said it was perfectly fine to travel, so off we went!
Jackson did amazing on our flights. The first plane to Atlanta worked out really nicely because the flight attendants let us take our car seat with us, so we didn't have to hold him the entire flight. The Atlanta crew also let us on the way home. Jackson pretty much slept through the actual travel on the way to Colorado, and was wide awake for the Dusdal's to spoil him with attention. Aunt Jennifer bought him a very cute outfit and adorable onesies. Thanks Aunt Jen!
We also got to see the Denver crew. My Aunt Laurie had us all over to introduce the first baby in our family in about 10 years. She even made my favorite - - tacos! Nothing says welcome home like yummy Mexican food. Jackson was a bit fussy by the end of the night - luckily there were hands willing to help.
My mom was wonderful while we were there. We got a bit of a false sense of reality since we got to take naps while we were there since she would take Jackson. We obviously manage without them, but they sure were nice! Plus, my dad's cooking made the trip that much better. He and Jonathon can talk about cooking forever now. I always told Jonathon his idea of an omlet isn't correct, since my dad is such an amazing cook I grew up with these beautiful omlets. Jon got my dad to show him how to make one, and now that he knows how, he's pretty proud of his omlet creations. They got to do a lot of "man" stuff during this trip. They got some drinks a few times, went shopping where Jonathon got new hunting boots for his hunting trip in November. They also have tenative plans to go elk hunting next year in Colorado. My dad may even meet up with Jonathon and his buddies in Michigan this year to shoot some deer.
Jackson is sleeping in large chunks at night. I'm so glad for that now that Jonathon is going back to work on the 5th. I got so spoiled having him around for 3 weeks! Truth be told, I think he'll have a harder time going back to work. We've had so much fun, and he just loves hanging out with Jackson. My own dad aside, I don't think I've seen a dad as loving, caring, and as involved as Jonathon. I catch him a lot of times just staring at our boy, and Jonathon just smiles. He is an amazing dad.
Now that we're home, we've decided (if we hadn't already before...) that we are just too far away from family. We certainly don't want to live 1700 miles away forever. Jonathon is going to put in for a transfer this coming week. We're hoping for the midwest. He gets to choose 5 bases for his dream sheet. Among those are, I believe, Arizona, 3 bases in CO, South Dakota and another one I can't seem to remember. I know I said 5 - but maybe he switched Arizona and Nebraska around. We just need to be closer to family and friends. We feel so out of the loop and detached sometimes.
Here are a few pictures. Have a happy week!!
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