Sunday, December 6, 2009

Doctor visit and Christmas plans!

I have to tell you about Black Friday. So my friend Mindy and I set out to do some shopping. We didn't leave at 3am, but we were out by 6am. We hit the store that I was getting Jonathon's gift at first. It wasn't crazy at all! Apparently everyone came and left in one hour! Anyway, we went back to get his gift, and the guy INSISTS they sold out an hour ago. So Mindy and I sulk and walk away and discuss going to the same store in different locations to find this thing. Well, an employee infront of us turns around, asks what we had been looking for...when I tell him, he says, "no, we aren't keeping those in that spot because they were popular. Go to the counter and ask for one." I told him the guy insisted they were gone an hour ago, and this new guy insisted they weren't. We walk back there, wait in this long line and then we were asked (before our turn) what we needed. We could hear others inquiring about this product, so we were worried. After all of this, a lady behind the counter says, "Oh, we have one left!" Are you kidding me?! She hands it to me, I pay, and all is well. I couldn't believe that guy was wrong! I'm so happy that my complaining got me somewhere and another employee heard it. Thank you, mystery angel!

On Tuesday, (December 1st), Jackson had his 8 week check-up - three weeks late. We had been calling forever to get an appointment. Finally, Jonathon was already at the hospital so he just walked down there and worked his magic. Jonathon kept telling Jackson he'll do fine, it's his mom that will cry. I didn't for the record.

They said he's absolutely perfect and his development is amazing. He is a little ahead, but we knew that all along. :) He is 14lbs 6 oz and 24 inches long. (50th and 75th percentiles) He got three shots and an oral medicine - he barely cried, and it was only because he was so annoyed that the tech had to hold his legs down. I only know that because he made the exact same face and sound when they were measuring him. Daddy picked him up, and he acted like nothing happened. Then...our baby turned into a narcoleptic. He fell asleep whenever, wherever. He slept for 3 days this way, only waking up to eat and get a fresh diaper. He never did get a fever though, which I greatly appreciated. The knot on his leg is gone, and everything is normal. We survived it!

Jackson has had his days/nights mixed up, but I think that's because Jonathon works nights. He'll get back on track. Either way, he sleeps a good chunk of either one and I've never been happier.

We also went to see Santa. The mall Santa's around here aren't amazing, but we were at Bass Pro Shops, and believe it or not - they had a whole winter wonderland. We decided to let him see Santa there, and if we didn't like the picture we'd take him somewhere else. He didn't cry, but he wasn't smiling either. They made us stand too far away to attempt a smiling picture - but he didn't seem to care that some crazy man was holding him. While we were there, we fed Jackson in a camouflage recliner. Tacky! But, I'll admit there was this solid brown one that was probably the most comfortable thing I've ever sat in. That store even has a massive fish tank with huge fish in it. Don't tell Jonathon, but I think that store is pretty cool.

Jonathon is going for a job in the armory. It means better hours (3pm-11pm, rather than 4pm - 4-6am) and more awake time with us. He has his interview Monday, so we're hopeful. His friends aren't happy though - they are getting their wives to tell me I should talk him out of it. It's ok guys - we'll still see you! He may have to agree to stay in Maryland for another 2 years to take the job - which is ok with me.

Christmas is coming up and I'm so excited. This is my first Christmas away from the family, and I was really worried about it. However, I'm not anymore. We put up our tree, (although it only has the lights on it right now..) and we did some buying already - but we still have a ways to go. Some friends of ours are also staying here this year so we decided to do Christmas dinner with them to make it more of a crowd. Jonathon and I are still trying to find a Bumbo for Jackson that isn't a nasty sea foam color. Other than that I think our buying for him is done! Next year will be so much fun buying all of those obnoxious toys. I am excited, and I know Jon is, to pick that stuff out. But for now, we love him being a baby. He's already getting too big!

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