Oh it's hard to believe January is just about over! I'm not sure where the time went. However, my days are pretty blended now and I'm not always sure of the date. :)
I think I got more sleep when Jackson was a new baby and he woke up every few hours. Now my sweet baby boy hardly ever sleeps. Post pregnancy hormones + no sleep + Jonathon working more = pure exhaustion. I've had some tears, laughs and some dramatic phone calls home. There's no job harder than being a mom, but Jackson is absolutely more than worth it.
I take more pictures of him than any mom I know - but he does too many cute things! He is always happy, even when he first wakes up. I wish I were that way. He's at the point where he laughs pretty hard and wants to play all day. He gets extremely excited when Jonathon comes home and it's hard to get him to sleep if he sees his dad. The job of putting him to sleep mine, since Jon can try but Jackson won't stop laughing and smiling at him. Silly boys.
Jackson rolled over for the first time on Christmas day. However, he's not such a fan of it now, and hardly ever does it. He will, however, turn himself in circles on his belly. I think he wants to skip ahead to walking, but for now, he's making progress on sitting up on his own. He does really well with it, until he gets too excited - then he just throws himself back. So, he won't be sitting on any hard surfaces any time soon. We stick to mom and dad's bed with pillows around him, just in case.
He's developed some new quirks. He refuses to have his feet covered at all while he's trying to fall asleep. I wait until he's out, and then cover him up so he doesn't freeze. He also wants me to sit next to him while he's in his swing with my hand on him. I can't do this often because I have house stuff to get done, but more times than not - he's in my arms.
Jackson hated veggies last week, but we tried again and he ate them! Thank goodness because I was worried he'd only be eating pears for the rest of his life. He sleeps a lot better now that he gets to eat food, but, as I stated before - the sleep thing is a work in progress!! Jonathon and I are so tired that he suggested I go to Colorado for a week so I can rest up. It's hard to not have any family around when we'd like our families to see all the cute things he does. Maybe someday!
Here are some pictures. Enjoy.