Christmas was pretty good. It was my first Christmas away from my family in Colorado but it was also my first Christmas alone with Jonathon and our baby boy, Jackson. Jonathon and I have been together for 4 Christmas' and yet we never did a celebration on our own. It was very mellow, and for a lot of time seemed like just another day. However, we have some good memories, too. We lit bacon on fire - on accident of course. We made a pretty good turkey dinner and we got some great gifts! I got Jonathon a GPS for his car and he got me a beautiful ring.
Jackson hit the jackpot, even though he doesn't know it. He got a bumbo (kind of expensive for what it is, but so worth it), tons of clothes, toys and books. Thank you to my Aunt Michelle and my Aunt Julie and Gma for sending wonderful gifts our way.
My parents and Jonathon's parents sent over boxes as well. We got money, gift cards, more outfits for Jackson, ornaments and he got a light up crib toy that plays lullabies and nature sounds. Thanks grandparents!
Jonathon admitted he had his doubts about my turkey cooking. I don't eat meat, so sometimes it's hard for me to know exactly how to do things. But, a few calls to my wonderful dad who is an amazing chef, I get it done! Jonathon said he was actually really impressed and he ate seconds!
We took a day trip to New York and although it was cold, it was fun!! It was the first time for both of us although I think I liked it more than Jonathon did. Being from a small town, he hates crowds and all those confusing streets. But, he thought it was fun - I just don't think he'll take me back there during the holidays. My favorite thing was the tree!!! It was incredible.
Jackson is officially 4 months old. That's incredibly hard to believe and he's already hit so many milestones that it's odd to think he's so big! He's trying really hard to sit up, but certainly isn't there yet. He can support his weight, but his balance is WAY off. It's cute to watch him try his hardest. He loves his bumbo so that he can sit up and see everything that is going on. He's very curious. He is starting his "1st foods" and honestly I love giving it to him because he doesn't throw it up and he stays full. He's always hungry after a bottle and spits up a lot. However, if we give him less, he screams because he's hungry. He only gets a jar of food at night mixed with some cereal, then a bath and some down time. He's such a good boy.
New Years was a little lame. I was so tired and Jackson was sleeping. I think I rang in 2010 by talking to my dad on the phone. Jonathon was working, so there wasn't any real excitement. I didn't even watch the ball drop like usual.
In any case, I'm really looking forward to this year. 2009 was the first full year Jonathon and I lived together and there was so much to learn and so much to adjust to that I'm excited we got through all of those bumps and experiences and this year we can just concentrate on solidifying our family here. I'm excited to see what 2010 has to bring!
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