Jackson and I left February 17 for Colorado. He did pretty good on the way there! He slept a good part of the way and ended up eating two entire bottles (unusual) but overall I have no complaints! Some people even stopped me to tell me they didn't even know he was there because he was so good. I'm so glad I didn't have "that" baby that is always crying on flights.
The day after I got to Colorado it snowed. So after the crazy snow storms we got here in Maryland, I ended up bringing the snow with me to Colorado! It didn't hinder any of our plans though, and after a while I barely noticed it. My mom and dad were very prepared and had all of the baby supplies we'd need. That made the trip SO much easier, having an exersaucer, crib and various toys. Matthew, Emilie and Ricky were a great help and I wish I could bring them back with me! Emilie especially took to Jackson and really was a lot of times my mom's right hand. Jackson adored my dad, and smiled EVERY time he saw him. After two weeks, my dad may be deemed the favorite.
Speaking of which - I got to sleep!!! After five months of getting 3-4 hours of sleep is pretty rough, but my mom took him for night feedings which resulted in me getting some sleep! Mothers are wonderful. However, I did get sick and that cut into my sleeping a bit. What can ya do?
Seeing all of our Denver family was great! I love our get togethers and honestly it's something I miss the most about being young. We had a great "fiesta" with our Mexican food themed dinner and lots of great company around. Funny enough, Jackson was a hit with everyone, but especially the younger guys! J
We also shopped (Jackson JUST got new clothes about two weeks ago, but while we were in Colorado it was very apparent that he needed a bigger size again), ate out at my favorite places and played Uno with Jennifer and Emilie (I always win). It was a ton of fun and the only thing that could have made it better is if Jonathon was there, too. He was looking forward to his time alone, but after the first few days he was sad he wasn't with us. It was a good break for all, though!
Week wise, Jackson is six months old! I KNOW! But actual month wise, he won't be six months until March 14 (My sister's birthday). Maybe we'll have a half birthday party for him, haha. Now I'll be 23 tomorrow and Jonathon will be 26 eight days later. We're old! Growing up, birthday parties were huge at my house, and I think my 5th grade party was the best - - my mom set up an entire carnival party complete with games, tickets, concessions and prizes. I can only hope our kids' parties will be that cool! Now, I'm asking for a quiet night and ordering in.
If I don't get to it, here's a birthday shout out to my March birthday buddies - my cousins, Chris and Megan, my sisters Melanie and Jennifer, my friends Melanie and Shantel and my Aunt Laurie.
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