A little late, huh? Sorry about my lack of writing. It seems like Jonathon and I have been so busy lately. We'll hit some highlights:
* Jackson went from "Army crawling" to a true crawl, on his hands and knees, TODAY, May 23. I cried. Jon made fun of me.
* He's pulling himself up to the third shelf of our tv stand. He thinks it's hilarious while I have a heart attack.
* The Joint Base Andrews Air Show was a blast! Jonathon worked, so I went with friends and my baby boy. We did meet up with Jackson's dad on the way home. I got an awesome sunburn. Jackson slept through the F-22's because I got him shooting range ear protection. Thank you Dick's Sporting Goods for making my afternoon tear free for my boy.
* My sister, Melanie, is doing awesome in New York with her Christian program. It's a lot of fun writing to her and building that relationship.
* I learned how to make chicken and dumplings. I have always loved when my parents made it, and I finally attempted it on my own. Jonathon ate 2 helpings.
* Congratulations to my cousin, Justin and his wife, Melanie, for becoming parents today! (May 23, 2010) His name is Brian Daniel, after her brother and his brother. He was 6lbs - which is so cute to me because I don't think Jackson weighed that in my 9th month at all. I can't wait to meet him!
* We looked into plane tickets to the Midwest to visit families. WHOA summer prices. Normally the money isn't a huge factor, but apparently going to Nebraska or Colorado costs the same as a California or Las Vegas vacation. What is that?
* I'm already looking into photographers to do J's 1 year photos. I found a few great ones, but I wish I lived closer to Aunt Michelle because she's the best. Such is life. I'll have to find a second best. I can't believe it's time to schedule that! (For an August shoot) I'm hoping to use one of the photos for his birthday invitations. We're also hoping Jonathon can get leave so that we can have a midwest cowboy birthday. If not, no big deal. We'll have fun here, too!
* It was so nice having my mom here as an unexpected surprise. I'm so glad that God blessed my sister with such an amazing opportunity and that I got a couple days with my mom before she had to go back to the kiddos. It was such a short few days, but I'm glad she got to rest up a bit before hitting the road for the 25 hour drive.
* Emilie is done with school! Matthew is done this week. It's so odd not to be there for their summer breaks. I'm so used to hanging out with them. From my understanding, they have great grades and Matt is ready for high school and Em is ready for middle school!! What happened to my LITTLE brother and sister?
* Andrew, Jonathon's little brother - who isn't so little - went to his first prom this year. I'm even shocked by this considering I met him four years ago. Time flies! The pictures of him looked great!
* Due to way too many emails to answer, Facebook is back. Add me as a friend, my account is reactivated. I miss my friends & it's nice to keep up!
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