Friday, February 11, 2011

It's hard.

Being a military wife is like walking a tight rope. You hear those people who constantly say how strong you are, how brave you are and how impressed they are with your stiff upper lip and your determination to handle everything when he's gone. Those people have no idea.

You hear others say they could never do it, or wouldn't do it. They cherish the time they have with their husband each night after the kids are tucked in and the chores are done. They would worry every night about their spouce's safety, fidelity and committment to their relationship. Are you kidding me?

Then comes the third group of people questioning YOUR fidelity and committment, and why you would choose this life anyway? Are we wanting free medical care? Base housing? GI Bills? Girl, please.

I'm not sure why those three categories exist, but they do. If I've learned anything over the last 4.5 years I've been with Jonathon, it's that the world is not as black and white as I once thought. In fact, life is just different shades of grey. To every statement I listed above, there is a flip side.

Yes, while I'm playing with my son, trying to get laundry done and keeping us fed, I am strong. You do those things because you have to. It's not a choice. You accept that every diaper is mine to change. Every bath water splash will end up on my clothes. Every messy face is mine to wipe. And every nightmare is mine to comfort. You not only love your child enough to do these things alone, you love your husband enough as well.

Then night comes and your silly little boy is all tucked in. You thank God that he's too young to wonder why Dad isn't saying prayers with him and you don't have to explain to him exactly how long a year is. Then you thank God for those women who do have to explain those things to their children because you know right now, tonight, you wouldn't be able to do it.

You lay in bed where one side is untouched. There's no snoring, blanket stealing or him holding you. You cry silently because you miss him more than anyone could ever possibly imagine. You realize your lives are no longer parrallel and you have no idea what he's doing, if he's eating enough or sleeping well.

You hold onto the emails and short phone calls. You dread the voicemails because that means you missed their call and you're not sure when you'll get another one. You wake up at 3am because your phone rings and you're willing to be a zombie the next day just to hear his voice for 5 minutes.

You hate when you hear how military guys are players and cheaters. Thanks for making me feel inadequate when I already feel so far away from him. You have to trust him with all of your heart and for anyone to question that is out of line. I'll let you know if a situation arises when we need to bury a body if he betrays that trust. Until then, we're fine, thanks for the concern.

And no, category three - I'm not the cheater, moocher, unreliable girl. The truth is that I'm way too uncool to even know how to date. I don't have time to think about another relationship and I'm way too tired to stay up past 9 pm. Did I mention how much I love him?

Our lives are complex. We didn't choose this life, we chose the man. That man came with baggage and we made the decision that he's worth it.


The Young's said...

Did you write all of this or is it copied? Either way it is amazing. And yes you are strong, but only by God's grace. You will get through this and any other deployment or reassignment with His help! If you ever need a break from it all, let me know! I'd be glad to watch Jackson, or even just set up a play date for all of us! Your real friends love you, understand to the best of our abilities and are here to support you!

nataliebay said...

Tiffany, I just now saw your comment! No, I wrote this all on my own, no copying! :) Sometimes just writing my thoughts down helps. Thanks for reading my gibberish! :)