Please note the 3D glasses on his head. These glasses are worn on his face when Barney sings "The Blues". And yes, J has the dance down as well.
Here we are again. Another post - which means 2 things. One, I found some time alone and two, more days have passed. They are equally exciting to me. My mom took Jackson to church. It's pretty amazing of her, because he won't stay in the nursery alone. He's been with me since the day he was born, and not used to being left with strangers. So, she will sit with him for the duration of the service. She's set a goal to get him to be comfortable enough to (hopefully!) stay there by himself someday soon.
I stayed with him a couple weeks back, and he cried....a lot! I think kids are just more emotional with their parents. So, thanks mom!
A few more days down until Jackson gets to see his Daddy. I've seen several homecomings on Facebook lately. How in the world did I end up meeting so many people in similar situations to me? In any case, I'm just ready for it to be our turn. We've already gone 161 days without Jonathon here. That's a lot! I'm absolutely counting down the days now. I booked his ticket the other day (holy heck!) and our tickets for Las Vegas.
Maybe one day, we'll actually have time to do a real honeymoon. Iraq and Korea has made that pretty impossible so far - but we will, and it will be amazing. Until then, we'll sneak in little getaways like this one. We're very excited to sleep in, and I know Jonathon is excited to see a place he's never been before. I haven't been there since my family lived there. My first field trip ever was to a casino show - no joke! It'll be so fun to see the things I didn't get to see as a kid.
Jackson has learned to fake cry (Thanks mom!). He won't stop until you say, "Oh my baby, let me hug you". Not even kidding. The worst part is, he REALLY gets loud with it when he hears another kid throwing a tantrum. It's semi embarrassing that my kid is mocking other kids - but it's also so funny. I'm convinced that's the hardest part about parenting - - telling your kid not to do something when it's actually pretty comical.
He also fake sleeps now (Thanks Mom). Mind you - this fake sleeping is complete with snoring.
He says the word "ball" with a total southern accent, making it probably my favorite word that he says.
On a really sad note (to me), our vacation rental for Jackson's party is a bust. I spent FOREVER finding a place that would work. The guy sent over a contract and something didn't sit right with me. I had just signed and returned the deposit for the condo in Water Valley and had no issues with it at all - and that was 2.5 times more money! So, I knew it wasn't the cost, or the location or the space. However, I just couldn't sign this contract and send him a check. I Google Mapped the address I was supposed to send the check to. It turned out to be a very crappy duplex and there was no way in my mind a person who could afford to keep a 6,000 sq ft home would live in that part of town. Not judgmental - just very fishy!
I called my dad and he told me to really trust my instincts. I emailed the guy back and asked to see the house in person and I'd sign and give him the contract then. Guess what? 2 emails and a few days later - no word from him.
I really wanted the house. I had my whole vision crushed. We'll do the party at my parent's house and I extended our stay at the condo so we'll have it the afternoon Jonathon and I get back from Vegas. It's sucky, and I'm so irritated - but I'm glad I didn't lose out on the large amount of money AND have to do some last minute party planning.
I just ordered Jackson's invites. I got the PDF file and my wonderful Aunt Michelle took the file and ordered my copies through her lab. I'm very excited about them. What will my life be when I don't have a party to plan? Oh right, I'll be getting ready to move!
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