My parents threw an AMAZING baby shower on the 4th. It was so laid back and so much fun. It was co-ed, and followed the lines of a 4th of July barbecue. My mom had emailed Jonathon a list of baby related questions, and he replied with his best guesses - then, I had to guess his answers. I got 7 out of 12 right, although some of his answers were WAY off, they were cute. (He predicted 4 hours of labor..) Thanks to everyone who came and celebrated with us!! My parents' next door neighbor is an elderly couple that have lived there for the 15 years we've been there. She crocheted us an amazing blanket for our baby boy. It was such a personal gift, I love it! We also got some amazingly cute clothes courtesy of my Aunt Laurie, cousin Megan and some family friends. We are incredibly blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives, and our boy is lucky to inherit such great surroundings.
We enjoyed some great cooking by my dad, and some amazing desserts by my mom. I also got to spend time with the kiddos - whom I miss SO SO SO much. Emilie and I went to see "The Proposal", and had quality girl time. I also played Guitar Hero with Matthew - I'm getting pretty good! My sister, Jennifer, and I got to eat out at our favorite places, and we played "Uno" for hours!
Another highlight is my Aunt Michelle and Uncle Lance flew in from Arizona. They brought along my little cousins, Trevor and Alex. (Jonathon and I borrowed them for our wedding to be our flower girl and ring bearer) My Aunt Michelle has taken up photography and is quite good!! She has a growing business and portfolio and I was lucky enough to get her to take maternity shots for me. (No way in heck was I letting anyone else do them!) She spent several days taking my picture, and I'm so excited to see what she came up with. I'm thinking of a great way to thank her still, because no one would have taken as much time as she did!
After all of that, though I miss everyone, it's nice to be home in Maryland with Jonathon and our kitties. We're a pretty good bunch, and it's good to be back in our routine. I'm looking forward to my mom coming out in a couple of months to help me transition when Jonathon goes back to work after our baby is born.
We hope your holiday weekend was as great as ours. Here are a couple of pictures courtesy of my sister and my Aunt Michelle!

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