Jonathon was able to go to the doctor with me, which was nice. The doctor told me my blood pressure is getting higher and I'm borderline "abnormally small" - which means I'm one centimeter away from getting sent to labor and delivery for an ultra sound. However, they also said our little guy's heart beat is really strong (a good 130-140). As long as he's strong, I'm not too worried...we just have to watch my blood pressure. He moves A TON - he never seems to run out of energy. I'm excited to meet him! Only 7 weeks left!
I'm working through the massive piles of baby things we have. We actually need to make a target run and get some storage containers for some of this. We have so much, it's unreal. We started out with a ton, and then Jonathon's friends who have 3 boys sent over a couple of tubs of stuff, too - so now we have double of so many items...but I'm not complaining. I'll admit I've never had any hand me downs - but she kept her stuff in such perfect condition, and it was overwhelmingly generous of them to think of us. Friends can be such blessings!
After going through this whole process - as relatively easy as it's been - Jonathon and I decided we only want 2 children (as opposed to the original number 3). I thought we may wait another 5 years, but Jon is thinking more like 2 - so we'll see, but I think we'll be hanging onto all of this baby loot - just have to find room!
Jonathon leaves for the Midwest in a few days. I'm so glad he'll get to attend his friend's wedding. I know that he'll enjoy having some guy time, and neither of us will be going anywhere for a few months now, so it will be good he is squeezing this trip in. He'll also see his parents for a couple of days in Nebraska. This will be his 3rd trip home since he's been back from the desert, I have 4 trips home, so he has a little catching up to do!
It's so strange being so far away from family! It will be nice when my mom comes out, but weird that no one else in my family will see our little guy until Christmas time. Jonathon's mom may come out this fall, as well, but we know it's a long trip - we just need to move back to the Midwest! It's easier to live here now, but we're not really into the busy city scene and all of the craziness that comes with it. He and I are actually talking about moving to Arizona (Hello Aunt Michelle and Uncle Lance!) - I lived there, and depending on the area, it is really nice! We'll see when he gets back from his next deployment.
So, I'll be here for 5 days all alone, which will be entirely weird! I already made plans with Mindy to come out Wednesday night (the day Jonathon leaves) to cook dinner with me and watch some girlie movies. I also saved the task of cleaning the fridge shelves for when he's gone. I'm sure I used to have a life... :)
I hope everyone is doing great, and everyone enjoyed their week! I'll leave you with a few pictures of the kiddos and their sparklers on the 4th - and our little guy got "his" picture taken too!

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