Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter!

Jackson and I both thoroughly enjoyed Jonathon's week off. It was a great surprise to find out he would be home for so long. Although his case of poison ivy is pretty unfortunate, this also meant he didn't go to the gym so we took advantage of the time and ended up preparing an Easter party.

I spent a majority of Easter Sunday cleaning and cooking. I made the ham, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, deviled eggs (or angel eggs as Emilie calls them) and a strawberry/jello/cool whip mixture and it actually turned out great. I made salsa earlier in the week and we got a platter of cookies to serve as well. Who knew everyone would say that it was all great...without lying?! Jon has about half of the 9lb ham left and he's excited since we don't make ham often. Jackson got his Easter basket. It included TWO different kind of puffs (which he loves), a Toy Story beach towel for summer swimming, Toy Story Band-Aids, and two summer outfits. It will be so much fun as he gets older and can get real toys and treats. The boys also dyed eggs which Jackson thought was kind of cool, actually.

It was nice to meet some of Jon's coworkers that I hadn't had the opportunity to meet before then. They were all nice, but I have to admit it was so funny to hear a couple of them ONLY refer to my husband as "Sergeant Bayliff". I understand they were lower ranking and it's a respect thing, but still funny to me. They all wanted to play with Jackson. He doesn't have that "stranger danger", he just wanted to keep playing with someone new. Jon's troop even said she wanted to babysit.

Now, Sergeant Bayliff has to go back to work. :( He has to work about 11 days straight. I'm not exactly sure why but I may have heard something about an air show coming or something. He said he thought it was next month and he wished he would have known because he would have sent me home since he'll be so busy, but we're fine being here at OUR home and there is always stuff needing to get done. Preparing for our Easter gathering, laundry took a back seat and I now have a good pile waiting for my attention. Plus, Jackson and I would miss Jonathon too much. It's nice to have family time without interruptions, or a holiday that takes a lot of work - just focusing on our little unit.

Jackson is growing and growing. He is getting bored in his exersaucer, even if we switch up the toys that are on it. I tried putting it off, but it looks like he's ready for a walker. Each morning, Jackson and I come downstairs and he insists on being put on the rug where he can sit up, roll around and have a mountain of toys beside him. Blue's Clues, Praise Baby or Toy Story is on as background noise and we start our day. It's just so hard to believe he's going to be mobile! I'm waiting another 6 weeks or so for the weather to get to the point where it's warm everyday and then we're going to get a baby pool. They make them with overhead shade now and Jackson is already such a fish that I think he'll really enjoy it.

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