I don't feel like anything really exciting has happened this week. Jonathon has been working his tail off, so Jackson and I have been trying to organize, clean and of course play to our hearts content.
Jackson did hit a few milestones this week. He took a "big boy" bath on Friday night. His tub can still hold him, but he slips off the seat, so we tried it in the big bathtub and he LOVED it. I was a bundle of nerves at first, but he did so well. He liked putting his hands under the shower head and he laughed when I had to rinse off his back with it. He's such a fish, it's too precious.
He also grabbed his bottle of juice and fed himself! I have never seen him do this before as he has zero interest in holding his bottle of formula at night time. But he is all about independence during the day, at night he's a momma's boy.
J is loving that he can stand steadily as he holds onto things. He did it for the first time in his crib today and it took him all of 3 seconds to start chomping on the crib railings. We'll have to pick up some plastic barriers.
He's been in a crabby mood the last few days. I'm pretty sure he'll be working on those top 2 teeth, if not now, pretty soon. Good thing we have teething tablets!
Even though Jackson and I didn't do anything too special, I have felt so busy. I never seem to have too much time left in my day. I did feel homesick for the first time in a very long time tonight. Jon was at work, and my family was heading to church. I miss church and I'll be excited to find a good one at our next base so that even when Jonathon is working, Jackson and I can have some Holy time. He hasn't been formally dedicated, but I still pray with him before bedtime and I know he'll be a great instrument for Jesus' work.
Jon and I made a deal we wouldn't eat out for a month. This may end up killing us seeing as how we live at restaurants. So far, so good! I honestly will miss our nights out, but Jon likes my cooking so as long as he's happy, I'll be happy.
Here are some pictures from J's "big boy" bath.
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