I spent countless hours wrapping, organizing and shopping this December. Well, every December. I am the Christmas CEO around here, and as much fun as I have with the holiday, it's a ton of work! My mom has lists for every kid, and I have to make sure every item is written down and calculated correctly so each kid is even. It's harder than it sounds!
This year, the favorite gifts were electronics. I even got the Clarisonic from Jonathon. LOVE IT. Google it if you haven't heard of it. It's a new obsession. For. Real. He in return got the I Pod Touch. Jackson also got us gifts, like the Cabelas Dangerous Hunts 2011. FUN.
We also got a very unexpected and amazing Christmas gift. Jackson and I were able to spend time with Jonathon over Christmas. Jonathon was able to help put together Jackson's "cozy coupe" from Grammie and Papa, and help me wrap all the gifts I was in charge of. After making VERY last minute flight arrangements, and a million dollars later, we were able to include him in our Christmas festivities. Praise God because I was getting really down about him missing Christmas this year AND next year.
Jackson loved all of his gifts. He really banked a ton this Christmas. He LOVES his Coupe and will even sit in it and just watch tv or eat a snack. It's hilarious.
We spent Christmas evening at my Aunt Laurie and Uncle Dave's house. Their house was beautifully decorated for the holidays, and their basement served as the general gathering place for dinner. Jackson was pretty dang grumpy. His poor teeth were killing him, and he ended up staying up 2 hours past bedtime. Luckily, it's not something that has to happen again for quite some time!
I'll be flying to Maryland Januray 6 to visit Jonathon for a couple of days. We'll drive back together to my house in Colorado. Jackson will be staying home and I'm already dreading leaving him.
In other news, my Grandpa Otto, the only grandpa I've ever known, passed away on the 18th of this month. He was a very giving man and always helped anyone he could. Heaven is very lucky to have him. He'll be missed greatly. My Aunt Laurie put together a slide show of his life and she played it on Christmas. I think everyone was tearing up looking back at the wonderful memories.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
We're here!!

Ahhh! We made it!
My mom and dad came to my rescue on the 22nd of November. My mother had the wonderful opportunity to fly in that morning, and then pick up my baby boy, and then fly out around dinner time. Hahaha, ok, maybe it was a lot of work, but she didn't complain one bit! My dad was totally punished and came to help me move.
Actually, on the 23rd, he taught Jonathon how to fix his breaks. They also tackled that stupid window. By the end of the night, he and Jonathon had my entire car packed and ready for the road. It was so amazing to relax the night my dad got in. He treated my sister, Jonathon and I to a steak dinner in Bowie. Ok - - I had a brownie sundae which is SO much better than the guys' steak. It was really the only break we got!
My mom told me that Jackson Lane was the best baby on the plane! He talked to everyone and did really well for not having enough room to lay down completely. However, the booger slept perfect for her, which I'm kind of disappointed about. He NEVER slept at our house. 25 minute naps...horrible! She got him to take a 2 hour nap each day. What the heck is that? Jon and I were totally disgusted with his little act. :) He's wonderfully unpredictable.
My dad, Melanie, my cat and I left Wednesday morning. My dad drove for about 1450 miles of the trip, I took over for only 350 miles of the whole ride! He's such a trooper! My cat slept the whole way, thank goodness.
I was so excited to see my boy. He gave me a big hug right away. He LOVES my parents house. He walks around like he owns the place. He shows me all the "pretty" things in each room. (He points to all of the Christmas decorations and says, "pretty!") He also calls the cats by saying "kitty kitty". J also really loves that there are so many people here. He took to his Uncle Matthew when he was a little baby, so now that Jackson can actually play, they have so much fun! Emilie is a little, er, big helper! It's so nice to have an extra set of hands. And my parents couldn't be more amazing with him. He loves them so much. I can run errands and he is 100% fine at home with them. After 14 months, I have more help than I could ever imagine! It's such a blessing.
In slightly less exciting news, Jackson really loves brushing his teeth. After I do them, he gets to brush them himself which he thinks is so cool. He graduated to a different toothbrush today. I've been looking for the perfect toddler one, but just couldn't find it. Today, I was looking for a cd for Jonathon's sister and came across the cutest Sesame Street toddler toothbrush. He got his eye teeth this week so we have just about a mouthful to brush.
Jonathon probably won't make it home for Christmas. He's been asking for orders for weeks and they still haven't given him hard copy orders. They "working on it" every time he asks. So, his outprocessing may not be done in time to get here. We'll keep our fingers crossed for a last minute change of plans. We'd hate for him to miss two Christmas' in a row. Especially since this Christmas is so cool! My mom, dad and I all went Black Friday shopping and we got some super cool items. Oh I LOVE Christmas!!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Daylight savings time
Ok, I'll just admit it. I hate daylight savings time. Last night, Jonathon had to work an extra hour and Jackson woke up way early according to the time on the clock.
I also didn't know how to adjust Jackson's schedule. He already gets a night time bottle at 5:45 p.m. He can't possibly go to bed an hour earlier for the night if we were to adjust everything by an hour. He already hates naps, so today when he WANTED to go to bed, he didn't. I just took him to the store where we bought him some super cool new shoes. When we got home, it was almost 2 hours (time adjusted) later than normal for his nap. But I took the risk and put him down anyway. He cried until I wrapped him up in his blankie. All is well upstairs so far. However, he has a horrible habit of only sleeping for a half hour when his schedule is messed up.
My house is super chaotic. There isn't a place for anything anymore. My sister told me she's excited to see my house for the first time...great, after it's completely torn apart. The upstairs was already torn apart by the time Jonathon's mom came. It will be SO nice to be settled in our next home.
It's becoming real that I won't have a December cable bill for this house, because I won't be here in December. Then it hits me that it's already November 7th and I only have 2 weeks until my parents get here. OMGosh! I just realized two weeks. Ahhhh....
I also didn't know how to adjust Jackson's schedule. He already gets a night time bottle at 5:45 p.m. He can't possibly go to bed an hour earlier for the night if we were to adjust everything by an hour. He already hates naps, so today when he WANTED to go to bed, he didn't. I just took him to the store where we bought him some super cool new shoes. When we got home, it was almost 2 hours (time adjusted) later than normal for his nap. But I took the risk and put him down anyway. He cried until I wrapped him up in his blankie. All is well upstairs so far. However, he has a horrible habit of only sleeping for a half hour when his schedule is messed up.
My house is super chaotic. There isn't a place for anything anymore. My sister told me she's excited to see my house for the first time...great, after it's completely torn apart. The upstairs was already torn apart by the time Jonathon's mom came. It will be SO nice to be settled in our next home.
It's becoming real that I won't have a December cable bill for this house, because I won't be here in December. Then it hits me that it's already November 7th and I only have 2 weeks until my parents get here. OMGosh! I just realized two weeks. Ahhhh....
Friday, November 5, 2010
My poor baby!
Here's a little story for you.
We are Pampers users. We mostly use Pampers Baby Dry, but we also use the Cruisers. We happened to have a box of Luvs sitting upstairs and I thought we'd just use them up before moving. We started using them Sunday or Monday night.
He's been having several messy diapers a day, and I chalked it up to the teething and the occasional pain medicine. He has super sensitive skin, and we have to stay on top of putting a cream or powder on him for most diaper changes. Well, he was getting a bad rash that wasn't being cooperative with the Butt Paste. He was also waking up several times a night and getting up for the day around 5:30 a.m. He'd cry all day long and we could not for the life of us figure out his problem. We gave him Advil for his teeth (gosh, they are RIGHT under the gums. Come through already!!), Orajel, took him outside, nothing worked.
Yesterday was Thursday. It was really rainy all day so it was pretty dark in our house. Usually when J wakes up for the day, or from a nap, we leave the lights off for a few minutes and let him wake up a bit. I had the light from the tv and started to change his messy diaper. One stroke of the wipe and the kid is screaming. I quickly finish up and he calms down. The next diaper change, I'm showing Jon that Jackson's bottom isn't just a rash. It is on his thighs, his little biscuits and everywhere in between. It honestly looks like a sunburn. Jackson screams bloody murder if you touch it with a wipe, wash cloth or water.
I thought about the things that have changed in the last week. His diapers. I packed Jackson up in the car and took him to Target. In the entire hour we were gone, Jackson hardly moved. He didn't say one word. He just laid there. I bought our beloved Pampers, all 300 of them. After getting him home, we changed him right away and lathered him up with Butt Paste. I asked a friend if she had used Luvs before. She said, "Yeah, they were great until I found out my daughter was allergic to them". She described the exact same, and some worse, symptoms that Jackson also experienced.
After this long story, my poor baby was walking stiffly all night. He cuddled with me mostly. Jonathon woke him up every 2 hours and changed his diaper and re-applied the Butt Paste. This morning, I got up to a boy who slept until 6:45, has been smiling since and his rash is half way gone. The part that is still there was the really bad areas and I'm sure that will take a couple days to heal.
We just felt so bad for our little guy! I was SO thankful that it even occured to me to switch back to the Pampers. Who would have thought a diaper could cause such a burn? I remember all of the news that Pampers Cruisers caused burns on children because of the Dry Max, but they didn't give Jackson a problem whatsoever. I emailed Luvs, we'll see what they have to say. I remember using Luvs when Jackson was about 3 months old or so, and we did not have this problem. Maybe they changed?
In other big news, I took our bed apart. The head board and footboard are pretty heavy, so they will stay against the wall until Jonathon can help me bring them down. Our mattress is on the floor. It sounds so funny, even Jonathon laughed at me, but I love having the mattress on the floor. It feels like we're camping out or something. There is SO much to do, I'm really hoping my sister, Melanie, can come down from New York to help me. With Jackson being sick at the beginning of the week, and losing all day yesterday to his rash/pain, I'd love the help. Plus, truth be told, Melanie is WAY better at the little maticulous jobs.
We are Pampers users. We mostly use Pampers Baby Dry, but we also use the Cruisers. We happened to have a box of Luvs sitting upstairs and I thought we'd just use them up before moving. We started using them Sunday or Monday night.
He's been having several messy diapers a day, and I chalked it up to the teething and the occasional pain medicine. He has super sensitive skin, and we have to stay on top of putting a cream or powder on him for most diaper changes. Well, he was getting a bad rash that wasn't being cooperative with the Butt Paste. He was also waking up several times a night and getting up for the day around 5:30 a.m. He'd cry all day long and we could not for the life of us figure out his problem. We gave him Advil for his teeth (gosh, they are RIGHT under the gums. Come through already!!), Orajel, took him outside, nothing worked.
Yesterday was Thursday. It was really rainy all day so it was pretty dark in our house. Usually when J wakes up for the day, or from a nap, we leave the lights off for a few minutes and let him wake up a bit. I had the light from the tv and started to change his messy diaper. One stroke of the wipe and the kid is screaming. I quickly finish up and he calms down. The next diaper change, I'm showing Jon that Jackson's bottom isn't just a rash. It is on his thighs, his little biscuits and everywhere in between. It honestly looks like a sunburn. Jackson screams bloody murder if you touch it with a wipe, wash cloth or water.
I thought about the things that have changed in the last week. His diapers. I packed Jackson up in the car and took him to Target. In the entire hour we were gone, Jackson hardly moved. He didn't say one word. He just laid there. I bought our beloved Pampers, all 300 of them. After getting him home, we changed him right away and lathered him up with Butt Paste. I asked a friend if she had used Luvs before. She said, "Yeah, they were great until I found out my daughter was allergic to them". She described the exact same, and some worse, symptoms that Jackson also experienced.
After this long story, my poor baby was walking stiffly all night. He cuddled with me mostly. Jonathon woke him up every 2 hours and changed his diaper and re-applied the Butt Paste. This morning, I got up to a boy who slept until 6:45, has been smiling since and his rash is half way gone. The part that is still there was the really bad areas and I'm sure that will take a couple days to heal.
We just felt so bad for our little guy! I was SO thankful that it even occured to me to switch back to the Pampers. Who would have thought a diaper could cause such a burn? I remember all of the news that Pampers Cruisers caused burns on children because of the Dry Max, but they didn't give Jackson a problem whatsoever. I emailed Luvs, we'll see what they have to say. I remember using Luvs when Jackson was about 3 months old or so, and we did not have this problem. Maybe they changed?
In other big news, I took our bed apart. The head board and footboard are pretty heavy, so they will stay against the wall until Jonathon can help me bring them down. Our mattress is on the floor. It sounds so funny, even Jonathon laughed at me, but I love having the mattress on the floor. It feels like we're camping out or something. There is SO much to do, I'm really hoping my sister, Melanie, can come down from New York to help me. With Jackson being sick at the beginning of the week, and losing all day yesterday to his rash/pain, I'd love the help. Plus, truth be told, Melanie is WAY better at the little maticulous jobs.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Moving forward
Baby Jackson is 13 months old! Holy cow, I don't even like saying, er, typing it!! Where did all of that time go?
Jackson has turned into a walking machine. He can walk the length of a room - or for those of you who have seen our house, he can walk from the stairs, into the kitchen, round the corner into the dining room. That's usually where he stops because he finds something he's interested in and needs to play with it for a minute.
Yes, I said a minute because right now you can't stop this boy. He's on the go and is quite the explorer. "No" has become a commonly used word around here lately. Luckily, most of the time he listens and it doesn't go any further than that.
If anyone has nap time solutions, send them my way. Jackson has NEVER been a napper. He sleeps 12 hours a night, which is AMAZING. But, he will only take a couple of 30 minute naps during the day and it's honestly killing the both of us. He gets so crabby, but he's also pretty stubborn when it comes to those darn naps.
My poor husband is realizing he's leaving. Yesterday, Jackson sat in our recliner with Jonathon and just rocked for a good 15 minutes. We were watching "Survivor" and it was so rainy out which is the perfect recipe for cuddling. As I previously stated, Jackson never sits still, so him laying on Jonathon for that long was super sweet. Jon just looked up at me and said, "I'm going to really miss this". It breaks my heart he'll be gone so long, so we won't dedicate too much time to writing about this. :)
I have roughly 5 weeks until I'm moving back to Colorado. Yikes! There is SO much to do and I feel like I'm not getting enough done. Even though I love new experiences, new places, etc, moving is gross and I can't wait to get movers for our next move. Jackson's room has been packed up for quite some time. Our spare room is filled with boxes, and all the odds and ends that don't have a home anymore.
If anyone hasn't heard, Jonathon got orders to Buckley AFB in Aurora, Colorado. We've gotten the question why we're moving there - and simply put, it's just a stop in our journey. We love Colorado and look forward to what it has to offer. It's a 4 year tour, so once our time is up, we'll no doubt be onto a new adventure. I prayed so hard that God would just send us to a place where we'd be the happiest, so I'm trusting his decision. It doesn't hurt that Jonathon and I already have friends and family in the area. As it turns out, he has a few military and high school buddies residing in that area. Cool!
Jackson has turned into a walking machine. He can walk the length of a room - or for those of you who have seen our house, he can walk from the stairs, into the kitchen, round the corner into the dining room. That's usually where he stops because he finds something he's interested in and needs to play with it for a minute.
Yes, I said a minute because right now you can't stop this boy. He's on the go and is quite the explorer. "No" has become a commonly used word around here lately. Luckily, most of the time he listens and it doesn't go any further than that.
If anyone has nap time solutions, send them my way. Jackson has NEVER been a napper. He sleeps 12 hours a night, which is AMAZING. But, he will only take a couple of 30 minute naps during the day and it's honestly killing the both of us. He gets so crabby, but he's also pretty stubborn when it comes to those darn naps.
My poor husband is realizing he's leaving. Yesterday, Jackson sat in our recliner with Jonathon and just rocked for a good 15 minutes. We were watching "Survivor" and it was so rainy out which is the perfect recipe for cuddling. As I previously stated, Jackson never sits still, so him laying on Jonathon for that long was super sweet. Jon just looked up at me and said, "I'm going to really miss this". It breaks my heart he'll be gone so long, so we won't dedicate too much time to writing about this. :)
I have roughly 5 weeks until I'm moving back to Colorado. Yikes! There is SO much to do and I feel like I'm not getting enough done. Even though I love new experiences, new places, etc, moving is gross and I can't wait to get movers for our next move. Jackson's room has been packed up for quite some time. Our spare room is filled with boxes, and all the odds and ends that don't have a home anymore.
If anyone hasn't heard, Jonathon got orders to Buckley AFB in Aurora, Colorado. We've gotten the question why we're moving there - and simply put, it's just a stop in our journey. We love Colorado and look forward to what it has to offer. It's a 4 year tour, so once our time is up, we'll no doubt be onto a new adventure. I prayed so hard that God would just send us to a place where we'd be the happiest, so I'm trusting his decision. It doesn't hurt that Jonathon and I already have friends and family in the area. As it turns out, he has a few military and high school buddies residing in that area. Cool!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Our lives
The military wife can handle...
-- Lots of moving...
-- Lots of moving...
Moving far from home...
Moving two cars, three kids and one dog...all riding with HER of course.
Moving sofas to basements because they won't go in THIS house;
Moving curtains that won't fit;
Moving jobs and certifications and professional development hours.
Moving away from friends;
Moving toward new friends;
Moving her most important luggage: her trunk full of memories.
Often waiting...
Waiting for housing.
Waiting for orders.
Waiting for deployments.
Waiting for phone calls.
Waiting for reunions.
Waiting for the new curtains to arrive.
Waiting for him to come home,
For dinner...AGAIN!
They call her 'Military Dependent', but she knows better:
She is fiercely In-Dependent.
She can balance a check book;
Handle the yard work;
Fix a noisy toilet;
Bury the family pet...
She is intimately familiar with drywall anchors and toggle bolts.
She can file the taxes;
Sell a house;
Buy a car;
Or set up a move...
.....all with ONE Power of Attorney.
She welcomes neighbors that don't welcome her.
She reinvents her career with every PCS;
Locates a house in the desert, The Arctic, Or the deep south.
And learns to call them all 'home'.
She MAKES them all home.
Military Wives are somewhat hasty...
They leap into:
Career alternatives,
And friendships.
They don't have 15 years to get to know people.
Their roots are short but flexible.
They plant annuals for themselves and perennials for those who come after
Military Wives quickly learn to value each other:
They connect over coffee,
Rely on the spouse network,
Accept offers of friendship and favors.
Record addresses in pencil...
Military Wives have a common bond:
The Military Wife has a husband unlike other husbands; his commitment is
He doesn't have a 'JOB'
He has a 'MISSION' that he can't just decide to quit...
He's on-call for his country 24/7.
But for her, he's the most unreliable guy in town!
His language is foreign
And so, a Military Wife is a translator for her family and his.
She is the long- distance link to keep them informed;
the glue that holds them together.
A Military Wife has her moments:
She wants to wring his neck;
Dye his uniform pink;
Refuse to move to Siberia;
But she pulls herself together.
Give her a few days,
A travel brochure,
A long hot bath,
A pledge to the flag,
A wedding picture,
And she goes.
She packs.
She moves.
She follows.
What for?
How come?
You may think it is because she has lost her mind.
But actually it is because she has lost her heart.
It was stolen from her by a man,
Who puts duty first,
Who longs to deploy,
Who salutes the flag,
And whose boots in the doorway remind her that as long as he is her
Military Husband,
She will remain his military wife.
And would have it no other way.
--Author Unknown
Moving sofas to basements because they won't go in THIS house;
Moving curtains that won't fit;
Moving jobs and certifications and professional development hours.
Moving away from friends;
Moving toward new friends;
Moving her most important luggage: her trunk full of memories.
Often waiting...
Waiting for housing.
Waiting for orders.
Waiting for deployments.
Waiting for phone calls.
Waiting for reunions.
Waiting for the new curtains to arrive.
Waiting for him to come home,
For dinner...AGAIN!
They call her 'Military Dependent', but she knows better:
She is fiercely In-Dependent.
She can balance a check book;
Handle the yard work;
Fix a noisy toilet;
Bury the family pet...
She is intimately familiar with drywall anchors and toggle bolts.
She can file the taxes;
Sell a house;
Buy a car;
Or set up a move...
.....all with ONE Power of Attorney.
She welcomes neighbors that don't welcome her.
She reinvents her career with every PCS;
Locates a house in the desert, The Arctic, Or the deep south.
And learns to call them all 'home'.
She MAKES them all home.
Military Wives are somewhat hasty...
They leap into:
Career alternatives,
And friendships.
They don't have 15 years to get to know people.
Their roots are short but flexible.
They plant annuals for themselves and perennials for those who come after
Military Wives quickly learn to value each other:
They connect over coffee,
Rely on the spouse network,
Accept offers of friendship and favors.
Record addresses in pencil...
Military Wives have a common bond:
The Military Wife has a husband unlike other husbands; his commitment is
He doesn't have a 'JOB'
He has a 'MISSION' that he can't just decide to quit...
He's on-call for his country 24/7.
But for her, he's the most unreliable guy in town!
His language is foreign
And so, a Military Wife is a translator for her family and his.
She is the long- distance link to keep them informed;
the glue that holds them together.
A Military Wife has her moments:
She wants to wring his neck;
Dye his uniform pink;
Refuse to move to Siberia;
But she pulls herself together.
Give her a few days,
A travel brochure,
A long hot bath,
A pledge to the flag,
A wedding picture,
And she goes.
She packs.
She moves.
She follows.
What for?
How come?
You may think it is because she has lost her mind.
But actually it is because she has lost her heart.
It was stolen from her by a man,
Who puts duty first,
Who longs to deploy,
Who salutes the flag,
And whose boots in the doorway remind her that as long as he is her
Military Husband,
She will remain his military wife.
And would have it no other way.
--Author Unknown
Monday, September 20, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
One week to go
Holy heck - only one week until my baby boy is 1 year old. Where did the last year go?!
Our boy is taking 'stranger danger' to a whole new level. Jonathon, Jackson and I were out at Buffalo Wild Wings the other night and there was a waitress that took an interest in Jackson. She'd talk to him and he'd just panic. He'd try to get out of his high chair to get to me, and he'd just start crying. It's not limited to restaurants - it's grocery stores, running errands, etc. He used to be the friendliest baby, and now he's a straight up 'momma's boy'.
J's new obsession is cheese omlets. I make him a 1 egg and cheese omlet each morning. I hope his cholesterol doesn't get too high from that.... He'll eat just about anything though. The only food I've found that he *possibly* doesn't like is spinach ravioli. We only tried it once - so we'll see! His favorite place to eat is the Olive Garden. What a goof.
We're busy planning Jackson's 1st birthday party. We decided to save a few different themes for future birthdays and we'd just do a simple character theme this year. We're doing 'Toy Story 3'. We're just having a dinner party with our friends here that have acted like family since we're away from 'home'. Jon's mom is also coming into town for the weekend. I ordered the invites - and they looked great....except we omitted the date. Great. We had cleared the day with everyone in advance, so no big deal. However, I was fully irritated for days....ok, I'm still irritated. But, everyone talked me out of ordering new ones. I'll get one correct one for his baby book.
We went out for some Mexican food for the first time in a long time and then went shopping. Jackson got a clothing make-over at The Children's Place. We've been there twice now in a week. He needed an overhaul since he was growing out of everything. We got a ton of super cute stuff - I LOVE that store!
Our boy is taking 'stranger danger' to a whole new level. Jonathon, Jackson and I were out at Buffalo Wild Wings the other night and there was a waitress that took an interest in Jackson. She'd talk to him and he'd just panic. He'd try to get out of his high chair to get to me, and he'd just start crying. It's not limited to restaurants - it's grocery stores, running errands, etc. He used to be the friendliest baby, and now he's a straight up 'momma's boy'.
J's new obsession is cheese omlets. I make him a 1 egg and cheese omlet each morning. I hope his cholesterol doesn't get too high from that.... He'll eat just about anything though. The only food I've found that he *possibly* doesn't like is spinach ravioli. We only tried it once - so we'll see! His favorite place to eat is the Olive Garden. What a goof.
We're busy planning Jackson's 1st birthday party. We decided to save a few different themes for future birthdays and we'd just do a simple character theme this year. We're doing 'Toy Story 3'. We're just having a dinner party with our friends here that have acted like family since we're away from 'home'. Jon's mom is also coming into town for the weekend. I ordered the invites - and they looked great....except we omitted the date. Great. We had cleared the day with everyone in advance, so no big deal. However, I was fully irritated for days....ok, I'm still irritated. But, everyone talked me out of ordering new ones. I'll get one correct one for his baby book.
We went out for some Mexican food for the first time in a long time and then went shopping. Jackson got a clothing make-over at The Children's Place. We've been there twice now in a week. He needed an overhaul since he was growing out of everything. We got a ton of super cute stuff - I LOVE that store!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
New York, New York!
I think I'm STILL tired from our little vacation. We packed so much stuff into only a few days and I'm surprised we all survived!
My family (Mom, Dad, Matthew, Emilie & Ricky) all came in on Thursday. It was sort of unexpected. They called one day and said they're taking an epic road trip and we're a stop along the way. They went from Colorado to Wisconsin, where my dad and Matthew dropped the other three. Matt and Dad continued on to Michigan, then back to Wisconsin to pick up their crew. Then they all went to Cedar Point where they spent a few days enjoying roller coasters and water parks. They headed here after that where they spent a few days, then up to New York, back to Maryland, up to Michigan then home! (They aren't home yet..) WHEW! I'm tired just thinking about it!
We really only had one full day with them here before we all went to New York. My mom, Emilie and I went shopping for some things for my sister, Melanie. Jonathon and I took the three kids to a movie in a town about 45 minutes away (ended up being a lot longer because of traffic). My parents kept Jackson. We saw "Salt" which was a lot better than I expected.
Matthew spent the night at my house the first night - my parents got a hotel room - and it was SO much fun to hang out with him again. Jonathon was working, so we just watched tv and laughed. We had to get up really early to go to New York. It took about 4-5 hours to get there. My Jackson Lane was SO good. Everyone was so impressed with our guy. Then again, when isn't he perfect?!
We saw Melanie and she looks amazing. She seems like she's doing super well and getting the most out of the experience. We're so proud of her! She got a 3 day pass, so she was able to stay with us and do all sorts of activities. We had a little picnic on the grounds of her place where Jackson thought pizza crust was the coolest thing ever. The second day we went to Bear Mountain where we spent the entire day. There was a ton to do. The little kids painted little plaster animals while the rest of us walked around and enjoyed the amazing weather. They had a zoo (where I fell in love with this little coyote) to walk through and tons of wonderful scenery. Jackson also rode a carousel for the first time. At the hotel, Jackson experienced a pool (which seemed to be salt water - WEIRD) and loved it!
On Monday we visited the Vanderbilt Mansion. It was absolutely crazy to walk through. They didn't allow photography inside, but it was so much fun to look at all the old things they had. Jonathon's highlight of the trip was visiting Orange County Choppers. I'm pretty sure he could have stayed there all day. He and my dad were in Heaven. They were really cool bike, I'll admit.
J basically cruised through the whole vacation. He really took to Matthew, and Emilie was such a huge help. It didn't take him long to warm up to everyone, however there were some times he just wanted his mom. He was terrific sleeping in the hotel - Jonathon and I were SO thankful for that. We were worried, but he had his blankets with him, so those helped 100%.
We were all pooped by Tuesday, so we didn't do much. Jonathon worked, but had time to show my dad around base which my dad loved. Thanks to Grammie and Papa for the awesome trip!!
My family (Mom, Dad, Matthew, Emilie & Ricky) all came in on Thursday. It was sort of unexpected. They called one day and said they're taking an epic road trip and we're a stop along the way. They went from Colorado to Wisconsin, where my dad and Matthew dropped the other three. Matt and Dad continued on to Michigan, then back to Wisconsin to pick up their crew. Then they all went to Cedar Point where they spent a few days enjoying roller coasters and water parks. They headed here after that where they spent a few days, then up to New York, back to Maryland, up to Michigan then home! (They aren't home yet..) WHEW! I'm tired just thinking about it!
We really only had one full day with them here before we all went to New York. My mom, Emilie and I went shopping for some things for my sister, Melanie. Jonathon and I took the three kids to a movie in a town about 45 minutes away (ended up being a lot longer because of traffic). My parents kept Jackson. We saw "Salt" which was a lot better than I expected.
Matthew spent the night at my house the first night - my parents got a hotel room - and it was SO much fun to hang out with him again. Jonathon was working, so we just watched tv and laughed. We had to get up really early to go to New York. It took about 4-5 hours to get there. My Jackson Lane was SO good. Everyone was so impressed with our guy. Then again, when isn't he perfect?!
We saw Melanie and she looks amazing. She seems like she's doing super well and getting the most out of the experience. We're so proud of her! She got a 3 day pass, so she was able to stay with us and do all sorts of activities. We had a little picnic on the grounds of her place where Jackson thought pizza crust was the coolest thing ever. The second day we went to Bear Mountain where we spent the entire day. There was a ton to do. The little kids painted little plaster animals while the rest of us walked around and enjoyed the amazing weather. They had a zoo (where I fell in love with this little coyote) to walk through and tons of wonderful scenery. Jackson also rode a carousel for the first time. At the hotel, Jackson experienced a pool (which seemed to be salt water - WEIRD) and loved it!
On Monday we visited the Vanderbilt Mansion. It was absolutely crazy to walk through. They didn't allow photography inside, but it was so much fun to look at all the old things they had. Jonathon's highlight of the trip was visiting Orange County Choppers. I'm pretty sure he could have stayed there all day. He and my dad were in Heaven. They were really cool bike, I'll admit.
J basically cruised through the whole vacation. He really took to Matthew, and Emilie was such a huge help. It didn't take him long to warm up to everyone, however there were some times he just wanted his mom. He was terrific sleeping in the hotel - Jonathon and I were SO thankful for that. We were worried, but he had his blankets with him, so those helped 100%.
We were all pooped by Tuesday, so we didn't do much. Jonathon worked, but had time to show my dad around base which my dad loved. Thanks to Grammie and Papa for the awesome trip!!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
Happy 10 months, Jackson Lane!
So many of my friends from high school are having babies. We all seemed to move, get married and have children within the same couple of years. I see them comment on Facebook, or what have you, and say, "I cannot believe my little baby is already 3 months old". Or, something similar. Then I'm thinking, "Holy cow! Jackson is 10 months old!" As of 2 days ago, our wonderful blessing has been with us for ten months. How is that even possible?!
I had a friend tell me that our conversations a year ago are much different then they are today. We mostly compare blow out diaper stories, complain to the other about sleepless nights and we share in each others joy of parenthood.
My advice to my friends who haven't had their baby yet. SLEEP. SLEEP. SLEEP. Jackson is wonderfully inconsistent with his sleep schedule. The one thing I do demand is his eating schedule stay the same no matter what. Yesterday, he took a 3 hour 45 minute nap. Um, he's NEVER done that, not even once in his life. Hey, I'm not complaining! I took an hour and a half nap myself & watched an entire show without interruption. What?! Anything longer than 45 minutes is a huge accomplishment around here.
We had his 9 month check up recently. He's just about 30 inches long and 22 pounds. He got more shots - poor baby. Luckily, Jonathon makes it to the appointments and is the brave one for the shots. Jackson doesn't mind the shot itself, he hates when the nurse holds his legs down.
He claps his hands for just about anything exciting. He also waves, but not on demand like the clapping. He picks and chooses which situation is appropriate for waving. He's absolutely developing 'stranger danger'. He used to be the friendliest boy, but now, he wants nothing to do with you if he doesn't know you. At the grocery store, he used to smile and laugh at every person who would talk to him - which was a lot! Now, if someone says hello, he grabs my arms and buries his head into my shoulder until they leave. I was painfully shy as a kid, and I grew out of it. Hopefully he will, too!
It's official! Jonathon put in his request for his follow on base. After Korea, he wants to move to Denver. I offered many times to go overseas, but Jonathon thinks that may be a better idea for later on. He'd really like to retire overseas so we get that little extra bonus. Sounds fun to me! Obviously nothing is a for sure thing - they could send us anywhere, but Denver (Aurora) would give him some great hunting areas nearby, which is what he was after. We also would like 4 distinct seasons, a city lower on crime and better schools. Plus, if we end up hating it, we can leave after 4 years.
Well it's just about nap time and I have to feed my boy!

I had a friend tell me that our conversations a year ago are much different then they are today. We mostly compare blow out diaper stories, complain to the other about sleepless nights and we share in each others joy of parenthood.
My advice to my friends who haven't had their baby yet. SLEEP. SLEEP. SLEEP. Jackson is wonderfully inconsistent with his sleep schedule. The one thing I do demand is his eating schedule stay the same no matter what. Yesterday, he took a 3 hour 45 minute nap. Um, he's NEVER done that, not even once in his life. Hey, I'm not complaining! I took an hour and a half nap myself & watched an entire show without interruption. What?! Anything longer than 45 minutes is a huge accomplishment around here.
We had his 9 month check up recently. He's just about 30 inches long and 22 pounds. He got more shots - poor baby. Luckily, Jonathon makes it to the appointments and is the brave one for the shots. Jackson doesn't mind the shot itself, he hates when the nurse holds his legs down.
He claps his hands for just about anything exciting. He also waves, but not on demand like the clapping. He picks and chooses which situation is appropriate for waving. He's absolutely developing 'stranger danger'. He used to be the friendliest boy, but now, he wants nothing to do with you if he doesn't know you. At the grocery store, he used to smile and laugh at every person who would talk to him - which was a lot! Now, if someone says hello, he grabs my arms and buries his head into my shoulder until they leave. I was painfully shy as a kid, and I grew out of it. Hopefully he will, too!
It's official! Jonathon put in his request for his follow on base. After Korea, he wants to move to Denver. I offered many times to go overseas, but Jonathon thinks that may be a better idea for later on. He'd really like to retire overseas so we get that little extra bonus. Sounds fun to me! Obviously nothing is a for sure thing - they could send us anywhere, but Denver (Aurora) would give him some great hunting areas nearby, which is what he was after. We also would like 4 distinct seasons, a city lower on crime and better schools. Plus, if we end up hating it, we can leave after 4 years.
Well it's just about nap time and I have to feed my boy!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
July 2010
Jackson's newest accomplishment is climbing the stairs - as in the whole case. He never had much of an interest, but a couple days ago he started up them and didn't stop until he was at the top. He celebrated on every stair & looked back at me (I was behind him) so proud. Now there is a gate up so that's the end of that. I'm waiting for the day he realizes there is a bathroom down here.
He's doing this new thing that scares me to death. At night, he rolls onto his tummy and puts his head face down into the mattress. I end up rolling him over, but sometimes he just goes back to his tummy. It's funny because up until this month, he NEVER would sleep on his stomach. He refused. Now it's one of his favorites.
J has a doctor appointment today, complete with shots. I'm sad! My poor baby doesn't even know what's coming. Luckily, Jonathon has never missed a doctor appointment and he's really good at handling these things. I'll post his stats later when I have them.
Friday, June 18, 2010
And so it is..
It hit me.
Jonathon is leaving.
A little late, right?
Is it horrible that I'm even tired of the word "Korea"?
There seems to be so much stuff to do. I'm not exactly sure how we acquired so many things.
Now I need to find boxes for these items. Sheesh.
This coming month, we need to focus on selling Jonathon's car. I'm hoping that is just an easy task and it goes quick and painless. It would be a huge check off of our "to do" list.
Jackson is going through some sort of 9 month sleep regression. Perhaps even a growth spurt. The child isn't sleeping. My poor husband was up all night with Jackson crying every 30 minutes. J sits up or stands up in his crib while he's still out of it and can't lay back down, resulting in waking him up. Now, Jon is back to work for the 3 day weekend and Jackson is back to being all mine at night. Yay.... I feel so bad for my little guy because obviously he isn't getting any sleep either. Then, he wants to wake up for the day at 6:30. I just walk in and tell him, "you know you're going back to sleep, right?". I take him downstairs and rock him. Sure enough, within 5 minutes, he's back to sleep. He puts himself to sleep beautifully at night. I wish he stayed asleep. This will pass, always has.
Jonathon is wanting to buy a house in Colorado. This scares me to no end. We've looked at houses several times and there are some beautiful choices, but the commitment is horrifying for me. Jonathon should have new orders before he leaves for Korea, and if they are in Colorado, I'll look at houses while he's gone I suppose. If they're somewhere else, then that process will need to wait until he's back.
On a bright note for me, Jonathon and I made a bet. The deal was the loser had to wear the other person's home state/college t shirt in their own home town. This was a bet that Jonathon lost. He now has the honor of sporting a CU hoodie while in Nebraska. Yes, I think it's hilarious. Yes, they are huge rivals and YES he would have made me do it if I had lost.
While Jonathon is gone, I'm going to try my hardest to stay busy. Besides joining the gym, or doing school, I'm hoping to make a trip to Arizona to see my favorite little cousins, Alex and Trevor. I'm also hoping to get some great pictures of my boy from my wonderful Aunt Michelle. Possibly in the summer, I'd like to take Jackson to Michigan since we couldn't go this year due to Jon's leave needing to be saved. Jonathon and I are also planning on taking Jackson to Sea World either on Jon's vacation or when he gets back for good. So, we have some fun things planned at least.
I realize this was such a pointless post, but I needed to kill 10 minutes before Jackson's nap (and he's busy playing with the kitty) and I guess I needed to put some of it in writing to make it a little more real.
Jonathon is leaving.
A little late, right?
Is it horrible that I'm even tired of the word "Korea"?
There seems to be so much stuff to do. I'm not exactly sure how we acquired so many things.
Now I need to find boxes for these items. Sheesh.
This coming month, we need to focus on selling Jonathon's car. I'm hoping that is just an easy task and it goes quick and painless. It would be a huge check off of our "to do" list.
Jackson is going through some sort of 9 month sleep regression. Perhaps even a growth spurt. The child isn't sleeping. My poor husband was up all night with Jackson crying every 30 minutes. J sits up or stands up in his crib while he's still out of it and can't lay back down, resulting in waking him up. Now, Jon is back to work for the 3 day weekend and Jackson is back to being all mine at night. Yay.... I feel so bad for my little guy because obviously he isn't getting any sleep either. Then, he wants to wake up for the day at 6:30. I just walk in and tell him, "you know you're going back to sleep, right?". I take him downstairs and rock him. Sure enough, within 5 minutes, he's back to sleep. He puts himself to sleep beautifully at night. I wish he stayed asleep. This will pass, always has.
Jonathon is wanting to buy a house in Colorado. This scares me to no end. We've looked at houses several times and there are some beautiful choices, but the commitment is horrifying for me. Jonathon should have new orders before he leaves for Korea, and if they are in Colorado, I'll look at houses while he's gone I suppose. If they're somewhere else, then that process will need to wait until he's back.
On a bright note for me, Jonathon and I made a bet. The deal was the loser had to wear the other person's home state/college t shirt in their own home town. This was a bet that Jonathon lost. He now has the honor of sporting a CU hoodie while in Nebraska. Yes, I think it's hilarious. Yes, they are huge rivals and YES he would have made me do it if I had lost.
While Jonathon is gone, I'm going to try my hardest to stay busy. Besides joining the gym, or doing school, I'm hoping to make a trip to Arizona to see my favorite little cousins, Alex and Trevor. I'm also hoping to get some great pictures of my boy from my wonderful Aunt Michelle. Possibly in the summer, I'd like to take Jackson to Michigan since we couldn't go this year due to Jon's leave needing to be saved. Jonathon and I are also planning on taking Jackson to Sea World either on Jon's vacation or when he gets back for good. So, we have some fun things planned at least.
I realize this was such a pointless post, but I needed to kill 10 minutes before Jackson's nap (and he's busy playing with the kitty) and I guess I needed to put some of it in writing to make it a little more real.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
And so the countdown begins...
Since I didn't address Memorial Day in the last post - Happy Memorial Day. Thank you to everyone who serves our country directly as active duty military and indirectly as the families behind them!
First off, my baby boy who was pulling himself up a few times a day into a standing position is now pulling himself up every single chance he gets. He'd be walking right now if he's just walk and not try to run. I was sitting in our cat napper - the recliner - watching Jackson crawl by the stairs. He's never had a fascination with them before, but I knew it was coming. And it did. He's actually pretty good considering. He got up a few before deciding to do something else.
I was told that at 9 months old, children do not understand the concept of "no". However, I think Jackson does. We've been working on the cat food issue for a few weeks. Since there isn't another place for it, Jackson just has to learn not to touch it. Every morning when he follows the cat to his bowls and tries to grab it, I say "no". Early on, I would go get him and walk him somewhere after. Now, I can see him going for it and say "no" and he backs off. It's pretty amazing really. What a genius baby we have!
Jonathon had his "pre op" for his eye surgery yesterday. Poor guy had to be there at 7:45 am. He switched his whole schedule for only one day, which is always hard to do. He came home exhausted, goofy, and he couldn't see. (They dilated his eyes) They should call him with his appointment time soon. He's so excited to not need glasses or contacts, but nervous that they're going to work on his sight.
Jonathon and I have started preparations for him leaving. After thinking about it, as much as I hate him leaving, I'm SO glad he's not going to Afghanistan or Iraq again. I worried so much while he was there, and his job was no easy task. At least in Korea, he'll have steady hours and it will work the same as stateside. I'm also thankful that he is desk sergeant qualified, and his flight chief has some contacts in Korea, and Jonathon could very well get a desk sergeant job there. He would be inside a building all day!! He's excited for that.
We've just planned that he'll take leave mid tour, or around Jackson's birthday, and we'd take a vacation somewhere. I guess that's all the news over here. I know it's not very exciting. Maybe as we get stuff packed and the ball rolling I'll have better news!
First off, my baby boy who was pulling himself up a few times a day into a standing position is now pulling himself up every single chance he gets. He'd be walking right now if he's just walk and not try to run. I was sitting in our cat napper - the recliner - watching Jackson crawl by the stairs. He's never had a fascination with them before, but I knew it was coming. And it did. He's actually pretty good considering. He got up a few before deciding to do something else.
I was told that at 9 months old, children do not understand the concept of "no". However, I think Jackson does. We've been working on the cat food issue for a few weeks. Since there isn't another place for it, Jackson just has to learn not to touch it. Every morning when he follows the cat to his bowls and tries to grab it, I say "no". Early on, I would go get him and walk him somewhere after. Now, I can see him going for it and say "no" and he backs off. It's pretty amazing really. What a genius baby we have!
Jonathon had his "pre op" for his eye surgery yesterday. Poor guy had to be there at 7:45 am. He switched his whole schedule for only one day, which is always hard to do. He came home exhausted, goofy, and he couldn't see. (They dilated his eyes) They should call him with his appointment time soon. He's so excited to not need glasses or contacts, but nervous that they're going to work on his sight.
Jonathon and I have started preparations for him leaving. After thinking about it, as much as I hate him leaving, I'm SO glad he's not going to Afghanistan or Iraq again. I worried so much while he was there, and his job was no easy task. At least in Korea, he'll have steady hours and it will work the same as stateside. I'm also thankful that he is desk sergeant qualified, and his flight chief has some contacts in Korea, and Jonathon could very well get a desk sergeant job there. He would be inside a building all day!! He's excited for that.
We've just planned that he'll take leave mid tour, or around Jackson's birthday, and we'd take a vacation somewhere. I guess that's all the news over here. I know it's not very exciting. Maybe as we get stuff packed and the ball rolling I'll have better news!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Keep on keepin on...
Another week, another post. Our big "win" this week is Jackson is officially pulling himself up to a standing position. He loves to pull him self up to the couch to grab the cat, or the remotes to the tv. I am SO glad our cat is so understanding. To date, we haven't had one incident with him getting angry with Jackson. We're teaching him to be gentle, but I think that process takes time. In the mean time, I love that our cat just lets Jackson pull on him, slap him, etc, without attacking my baby. Poor kitty!
Jackson really loves how much he's able to move around now. He's getting frustrated that he can't walk yet, but crawling will have to do. Our whole downstairs is baby proofed, minus the cat food and water. I love that he can crawl just about anywhere and I don't worry if he'll get hurt or get into something. Currently, he's not interested in the stairs or the bathroom...but those things will change and when they do we'll have to block those off.
Jonathon called me on Monday evening and told me he got orders to...wait for it............flippin Korea. I think I'm still shocked. I'm not sure it has hit either one of us yet - but I know currently Jonathon is very excited to get base of preference when he gets home. Jackson and I will no doubt move to Colorado so that I'm not completely alone here. Where and when is undecided, but it seems like the best option. I have lots of friends with kids near Jackson's age, and with all the family around, Jackson will have so much fun. Lots of people have said that we can visit Jonathon. I'm not sure if I'll attempt that flight with a baby - but I know he should at least get a break somewhere in there. If he's able to leave, it's a quick hop to Japan or China. I guess we'll see!
So, it's time to make a plan and figure things out. It's time to jump on board with this crazy idea and make it work. I'm going to look into Skype so that Jonathon and Jackson can say their goodnights and goodmornings. I'm going to load up on paper so we can write him letters. I'll make friends with the Fort Collins post office again since I'll be back in there 2x a month sending packages. I'll make sure I have the right phone cards to send. I'll make sure to send him videos of Jackson's "newest" thing.
Jonathon and I have done this before and we can do it again. We appreciate all the support we've gotten and prayers offered! This is our newest adventure.
Jackson really loves how much he's able to move around now. He's getting frustrated that he can't walk yet, but crawling will have to do. Our whole downstairs is baby proofed, minus the cat food and water. I love that he can crawl just about anywhere and I don't worry if he'll get hurt or get into something. Currently, he's not interested in the stairs or the bathroom...but those things will change and when they do we'll have to block those off.
Jonathon called me on Monday evening and told me he got orders to...wait for it............flippin Korea. I think I'm still shocked. I'm not sure it has hit either one of us yet - but I know currently Jonathon is very excited to get base of preference when he gets home. Jackson and I will no doubt move to Colorado so that I'm not completely alone here. Where and when is undecided, but it seems like the best option. I have lots of friends with kids near Jackson's age, and with all the family around, Jackson will have so much fun. Lots of people have said that we can visit Jonathon. I'm not sure if I'll attempt that flight with a baby - but I know he should at least get a break somewhere in there. If he's able to leave, it's a quick hop to Japan or China. I guess we'll see!
So, it's time to make a plan and figure things out. It's time to jump on board with this crazy idea and make it work. I'm going to look into Skype so that Jonathon and Jackson can say their goodnights and goodmornings. I'm going to load up on paper so we can write him letters. I'll make friends with the Fort Collins post office again since I'll be back in there 2x a month sending packages. I'll make sure I have the right phone cards to send. I'll make sure to send him videos of Jackson's "newest" thing.
Jonathon and I have done this before and we can do it again. We appreciate all the support we've gotten and prayers offered! This is our newest adventure.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Kind of late...

A little late, huh? Sorry about my lack of writing. It seems like Jonathon and I have been so busy lately. We'll hit some highlights:
* Jackson went from "Army crawling" to a true crawl, on his hands and knees, TODAY, May 23. I cried. Jon made fun of me.
* He's pulling himself up to the third shelf of our tv stand. He thinks it's hilarious while I have a heart attack.
* The Joint Base Andrews Air Show was a blast! Jonathon worked, so I went with friends and my baby boy. We did meet up with Jackson's dad on the way home. I got an awesome sunburn. Jackson slept through the F-22's because I got him shooting range ear protection. Thank you Dick's Sporting Goods for making my afternoon tear free for my boy.
* My sister, Melanie, is doing awesome in New York with her Christian program. It's a lot of fun writing to her and building that relationship.
* I learned how to make chicken and dumplings. I have always loved when my parents made it, and I finally attempted it on my own. Jonathon ate 2 helpings.
* Congratulations to my cousin, Justin and his wife, Melanie, for becoming parents today! (May 23, 2010) His name is Brian Daniel, after her brother and his brother. He was 6lbs - which is so cute to me because I don't think Jackson weighed that in my 9th month at all. I can't wait to meet him!
* We looked into plane tickets to the Midwest to visit families. WHOA summer prices. Normally the money isn't a huge factor, but apparently going to Nebraska or Colorado costs the same as a California or Las Vegas vacation. What is that?
* I'm already looking into photographers to do J's 1 year photos. I found a few great ones, but I wish I lived closer to Aunt Michelle because she's the best. Such is life. I'll have to find a second best. I can't believe it's time to schedule that! (For an August shoot) I'm hoping to use one of the photos for his birthday invitations. We're also hoping Jonathon can get leave so that we can have a midwest cowboy birthday. If not, no big deal. We'll have fun here, too!
* It was so nice having my mom here as an unexpected surprise. I'm so glad that God blessed my sister with such an amazing opportunity and that I got a couple days with my mom before she had to go back to the kiddos. It was such a short few days, but I'm glad she got to rest up a bit before hitting the road for the 25 hour drive.
* Emilie is done with school! Matthew is done this week. It's so odd not to be there for their summer breaks. I'm so used to hanging out with them. From my understanding, they have great grades and Matt is ready for high school and Em is ready for middle school!! What happened to my LITTLE brother and sister?
* Andrew, Jonathon's little brother - who isn't so little - went to his first prom this year. I'm even shocked by this considering I met him four years ago. Time flies! The pictures of him looked great!
* Due to way too many emails to answer, Facebook is back. Add me as a friend, my account is reactivated. I miss my friends & it's nice to keep up!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Oh no! Baby proofing!
So my baby isn't so much of a baby anymore. I mentioned he crawls, and he LOVES to stand. In fact, his favorite thing is when Daddy comes down stairs when he wakes up and sits on the couch while holding onto J's torso so that Jackson can stand and jump "on his own". Jonathon gets worn out faster than Jackson! J can hold himself up if he's holding onto the couch, etc. I've been putting it off, but Jonathon and I took a trip to Babies R Us and bought a walker.
They only had TWO styles. What the heck? The first one looked like it was from 1990, but we tried it out. Jackson mastered to go backwards in the store. Then we tried the much cooler Jeep version (made by Jeep and looks like a Jeep). It comes with rear view mirrors and a steering wheel. Side note - when we put Jackson in a shopping cart, he holds on with BOTH hands and it's probably the cutest thing I've ever seen. When we put him in the Jeep, he quickly found the steering wheel and pushed himself around. Are you kidding? Where did my baby go?
So, Jeep wins. It was $30 more than the other - but hey, he loved it! Then we went to a steakhouse where Jon got salmon and steak. I got queso - but they brought out a plate of steak that was cut up to put inside the queso dip. It honestly looked close to ground beef it was cut so small. Jackson had a taste of that *loved it* and loved the rye bread. Jackson's pedi suggested we give him real food, and I've been chicken in the past - but he does so well with it. He loves his juice in his sippy cup and his "mum mum's" (rice rusks, it's a real thing).
In other news, we had a NFL draft party. How Jackson slept through 8 guys in my living room is beyond me. They had a blast and looks like some good picks were made!
Jonathon and I are working on our outdoor storage tomorrow...fun... Jackson has outgrown so much gear that it's time to pack it away for another day. It's one of many projects we need to get done and probably the least fun. Time to knock it out!
I also got such an amazing phone call from my dad. Congrats to my "Dade" and I'm so happy prayers were answered! Praise God.
They only had TWO styles. What the heck? The first one looked like it was from 1990, but we tried it out. Jackson mastered to go backwards in the store. Then we tried the much cooler Jeep version (made by Jeep and looks like a Jeep). It comes with rear view mirrors and a steering wheel. Side note - when we put Jackson in a shopping cart, he holds on with BOTH hands and it's probably the cutest thing I've ever seen. When we put him in the Jeep, he quickly found the steering wheel and pushed himself around. Are you kidding? Where did my baby go?
So, Jeep wins. It was $30 more than the other - but hey, he loved it! Then we went to a steakhouse where Jon got salmon and steak. I got queso - but they brought out a plate of steak that was cut up to put inside the queso dip. It honestly looked close to ground beef it was cut so small. Jackson had a taste of that *loved it* and loved the rye bread. Jackson's pedi suggested we give him real food, and I've been chicken in the past - but he does so well with it. He loves his juice in his sippy cup and his "mum mum's" (rice rusks, it's a real thing).
In other news, we had a NFL draft party. How Jackson slept through 8 guys in my living room is beyond me. They had a blast and looks like some good picks were made!
Jonathon and I are working on our outdoor storage tomorrow...fun... Jackson has outgrown so much gear that it's time to pack it away for another day. It's one of many projects we need to get done and probably the least fun. Time to knock it out!
I also got such an amazing phone call from my dad. Congrats to my "Dade" and I'm so happy prayers were answered! Praise God.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Nuke Summit DONE!
We're finally done with that crazy work schedule of Jonathon's - which in turns makes my schedule also pretty crazy. Now it will be back to normal...normal and uneventful is music to my ears!
In unexciting news, Jonathon found out there is a Buffalo Wild Wings in Bowie (a town we frequent for most restaurants). I've never been there, but he seemed excited in telling me the story on how he found out. This was at 1pm, he leaves for work at 4pm. I told him we should go before he has to leave for work. I don't think I've ever seen him get ready for work so fast!! It was actually actually a pretty good choice, although somehow we got the worst waitress in the place. Such is life. He was excited about it, and now we have a new place to go.
Jonathon's name got lifted off of the "has to be in Maryland list". He was so happy about that. He hates Maryland, I think way more than I do, and has been trying to get out of here for a while. It was decided the best route for that is for him to go on a remote tour. For the record, I wasn't a fan, but I also know it's extremely rare to do a 20 year career in the military and NOT do a remote tour. May as well do it when Jackson won't be able to remember him being gone. In doing this, he'll also get to choose his base for when he gets back. His goal is to choose a place that doesn't deploy 6 months on, 6 months off. He talks about Colorado Springs being a good choice. Something my Aunt Laurie told me when I was looking at colleges is, "whether you're a 4 hour flight or a 4 hour drive away, it's still 4 hours". I've always remembered that and as long as Jon is safe, it doesn't matter much.
Whatever base we're at next needs to be an important choice, because Jackson will no doubt start school there. (Let's not even think about him being that old) So we'll do some more research. I'm secretly hoping orders drop for a great base without the remote tour, but I'm realistic in those odds.
Something Jonathon and I have recently implemented is Saturday as chore day and Sunday as a family day. Now that our Baby J is on a good schedule we know what we can expect and that makes planning a lot easier...obviously. So, 2 Sundays a month we'll be able to do something as a family and hopefully we can get some home projects knocked out on Saturdays. Growing up, I LOVED Friday nights (still my favorite day) because I got to stay up late and it was our "pizza and soda" night - but I dreaded Saturday mornings because my parents and sisters were busy til the afternoon with chores. I mostly played and acted busy (don't tell anyone I admitted to that) but now that I'm old...Saturday is back to being my nemesis.
I'm not sure if I mentioned this or not yet, but Jackson officially "army crawls". He uses his forearms more than his hands to crawl and it's actually quite efficient. He always gets to where he needs to go. His favorite toy happens to be our $1300 computer. Great. We only have a warranty for another year, so he better get it out of his system. I don't actually "let" him play with it, but he loves buttons so much and he's so gentle and doesn't pound on the keys...he taps them. The second I put it down, he races to get to it just to touch it. He also loves remotes and phones. Buttons; who knew?!
I guess I'm in a writing rut, and my posts aren't very organized or build up to a point - but this is what's going on in our very busy house!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
He's a big boy!
I don't feel like anything really exciting has happened this week. Jonathon has been working his tail off, so Jackson and I have been trying to organize, clean and of course play to our hearts content.
Jackson did hit a few milestones this week. He took a "big boy" bath on Friday night. His tub can still hold him, but he slips off the seat, so we tried it in the big bathtub and he LOVED it. I was a bundle of nerves at first, but he did so well. He liked putting his hands under the shower head and he laughed when I had to rinse off his back with it. He's such a fish, it's too precious.
He also grabbed his bottle of juice and fed himself! I have never seen him do this before as he has zero interest in holding his bottle of formula at night time. But he is all about independence during the day, at night he's a momma's boy.
J is loving that he can stand steadily as he holds onto things. He did it for the first time in his crib today and it took him all of 3 seconds to start chomping on the crib railings. We'll have to pick up some plastic barriers.
He's been in a crabby mood the last few days. I'm pretty sure he'll be working on those top 2 teeth, if not now, pretty soon. Good thing we have teething tablets!
Even though Jackson and I didn't do anything too special, I have felt so busy. I never seem to have too much time left in my day. I did feel homesick for the first time in a very long time tonight. Jon was at work, and my family was heading to church. I miss church and I'll be excited to find a good one at our next base so that even when Jonathon is working, Jackson and I can have some Holy time. He hasn't been formally dedicated, but I still pray with him before bedtime and I know he'll be a great instrument for Jesus' work.
Jon and I made a deal we wouldn't eat out for a month. This may end up killing us seeing as how we live at restaurants. So far, so good! I honestly will miss our nights out, but Jon likes my cooking so as long as he's happy, I'll be happy.
Here are some pictures from J's "big boy" bath.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Happy Easter!
Jackson and I both thoroughly enjoyed Jonathon's week off. It was a great surprise to find out he would be home for so long. Although his case of poison ivy is pretty unfortunate, this also meant he didn't go to the gym so we took advantage of the time and ended up preparing an Easter party.
I spent a majority of Easter Sunday cleaning and cooking. I made the ham, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, deviled eggs (or angel eggs as Emilie calls them) and a strawberry/jello/cool whip mixture and it actually turned out great. I made salsa earlier in the week and we got a platter of cookies to serve as well. Who knew everyone would say that it was all great...without lying?! Jon has about half of the 9lb ham left and he's excited since we don't make ham often. Jackson got his Easter basket. It included TWO different kind of puffs (which he loves), a Toy Story beach towel for summer swimming, Toy Story Band-Aids, and two summer outfits. It will be so much fun as he gets older and can get real toys and treats. The boys also dyed eggs which Jackson thought was kind of cool, actually.
It was nice to meet some of Jon's coworkers that I hadn't had the opportunity to meet before then. They were all nice, but I have to admit it was so funny to hear a couple of them ONLY refer to my husband as "Sergeant Bayliff". I understand they were lower ranking and it's a respect thing, but still funny to me. They all wanted to play with Jackson. He doesn't have that "stranger danger", he just wanted to keep playing with someone new. Jon's troop even said she wanted to babysit.
Now, Sergeant Bayliff has to go back to work. :( He has to work about 11 days straight. I'm not exactly sure why but I may have heard something about an air show coming or something. He said he thought it was next month and he wished he would have known because he would have sent me home since he'll be so busy, but we're fine being here at OUR home and there is always stuff needing to get done. Preparing for our Easter gathering, laundry took a back seat and I now have a good pile waiting for my attention. Plus, Jackson and I would miss Jonathon too much. It's nice to have family time without interruptions, or a holiday that takes a lot of work - just focusing on our little unit.
Jackson is growing and growing. He is getting bored in his exersaucer, even if we switch up the toys that are on it. I tried putting it off, but it looks like he's ready for a walker. Each morning, Jackson and I come downstairs and he insists on being put on the rug where he can sit up, roll around and have a mountain of toys beside him. Blue's Clues, Praise Baby or Toy Story is on as background noise and we start our day. It's just so hard to believe he's going to be mobile! I'm waiting another 6 weeks or so for the weather to get to the point where it's warm everyday and then we're going to get a baby pool. They make them with overhead shade now and Jackson is already such a fish that I think he'll really enjoy it.
I spent a majority of Easter Sunday cleaning and cooking. I made the ham, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, deviled eggs (or angel eggs as Emilie calls them) and a strawberry/jello/cool whip mixture and it actually turned out great. I made salsa earlier in the week and we got a platter of cookies to serve as well. Who knew everyone would say that it was all great...without lying?! Jon has about half of the 9lb ham left and he's excited since we don't make ham often. Jackson got his Easter basket. It included TWO different kind of puffs (which he loves), a Toy Story beach towel for summer swimming, Toy Story Band-Aids, and two summer outfits. It will be so much fun as he gets older and can get real toys and treats. The boys also dyed eggs which Jackson thought was kind of cool, actually.
It was nice to meet some of Jon's coworkers that I hadn't had the opportunity to meet before then. They were all nice, but I have to admit it was so funny to hear a couple of them ONLY refer to my husband as "Sergeant Bayliff". I understand they were lower ranking and it's a respect thing, but still funny to me. They all wanted to play with Jackson. He doesn't have that "stranger danger", he just wanted to keep playing with someone new. Jon's troop even said she wanted to babysit.
Now, Sergeant Bayliff has to go back to work. :( He has to work about 11 days straight. I'm not exactly sure why but I may have heard something about an air show coming or something. He said he thought it was next month and he wished he would have known because he would have sent me home since he'll be so busy, but we're fine being here at OUR home and there is always stuff needing to get done. Preparing for our Easter gathering, laundry took a back seat and I now have a good pile waiting for my attention. Plus, Jackson and I would miss Jonathon too much. It's nice to have family time without interruptions, or a holiday that takes a lot of work - just focusing on our little unit.
Jackson is growing and growing. He is getting bored in his exersaucer, even if we switch up the toys that are on it. I tried putting it off, but it looks like he's ready for a walker. Each morning, Jackson and I come downstairs and he insists on being put on the rug where he can sit up, roll around and have a mountain of toys beside him. Blue's Clues, Praise Baby or Toy Story is on as background noise and we start our day. It's just so hard to believe he's going to be mobile! I'm waiting another 6 weeks or so for the weather to get to the point where it's warm everyday and then we're going to get a baby pool. They make them with overhead shade now and Jackson is already such a fish that I think he'll really enjoy it.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Better updates..
Needing to simplify the websites I update, I have decided to get rid of facebook, at least for now, so I'll have to be more diligent on updating our blog. A lot of friends of mine update on Sunday's, so I think I'll adopt that routine as well.
Even though it isn't Sunday yet, I'll do a quick update. We're having friends over for Easter dinner this year. Entertaining was such a huge part of my childhood, and leaving those traditions and only being a family 3 can be challenging. I'm glad that there are other families that are in the same boat we're in and we can all get together and give holidays more of a family feel. A few of the couples that are coming have very young children, so hopefully Jackson will like to play!
My parents gave me a menu for Easter dinner - let's hope I can pull this off! My dad suggested a black forest ham instead of a honey ham. I told Jonathon Tuesday night that we better go pick up some of the items we needed. He only questioned why we were going so early in the week at first because once we got to the store they had ONE black forest ham left. We lucked out and now we'll have something to cook!
Jonathon is feeling a bit better. He's itchy, but the Prednisone the doctor gave him combined with Benadryl is bound to cure it faster than doing nothing. When I was telling my dad about it, he told me when he was little he and his cousins were playing army in a huge field of poison ivy - not knowing of course - and my grandpa gave them Fels Naptha soap to wash with. Apparently, this stuff dries it up extremely quick. The problem: I could only purchase it online since I didn't have retailer in Maryland. My dad was so thoughtful and before he went up to his job site on Tuesday, he picked some up and next day mailed it so Jonathon could get some relief. We should be getting it today and I'm glad we have a soap that I can do Jon's laundry in as well. (it's the only laundry soap that will cut the poison ivy oil out of fabric)
Other than that, my week will consist of cleaning up and preparing for our Easter Sunday. Jonathon and I will no doubt go shopping for Jackson's Easter basket Thursday or Friday.
Even though it isn't Sunday yet, I'll do a quick update. We're having friends over for Easter dinner this year. Entertaining was such a huge part of my childhood, and leaving those traditions and only being a family 3 can be challenging. I'm glad that there are other families that are in the same boat we're in and we can all get together and give holidays more of a family feel. A few of the couples that are coming have very young children, so hopefully Jackson will like to play!
My parents gave me a menu for Easter dinner - let's hope I can pull this off! My dad suggested a black forest ham instead of a honey ham. I told Jonathon Tuesday night that we better go pick up some of the items we needed. He only questioned why we were going so early in the week at first because once we got to the store they had ONE black forest ham left. We lucked out and now we'll have something to cook!
Jonathon is feeling a bit better. He's itchy, but the Prednisone the doctor gave him combined with Benadryl is bound to cure it faster than doing nothing. When I was telling my dad about it, he told me when he was little he and his cousins were playing army in a huge field of poison ivy - not knowing of course - and my grandpa gave them Fels Naptha soap to wash with. Apparently, this stuff dries it up extremely quick. The problem: I could only purchase it online since I didn't have retailer in Maryland. My dad was so thoughtful and before he went up to his job site on Tuesday, he picked some up and next day mailed it so Jonathon could get some relief. We should be getting it today and I'm glad we have a soap that I can do Jon's laundry in as well. (it's the only laundry soap that will cut the poison ivy oil out of fabric)
Other than that, my week will consist of cleaning up and preparing for our Easter Sunday. Jonathon and I will no doubt go shopping for Jackson's Easter basket Thursday or Friday.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
It's been a while..
It's spring!! I could hardly believe that it was about time to send out Easter cards and start planting flowers. My sympothies go out to all of my family and friends in Colorado who got way too much snow while it was 79 degrees here.
Jonathon, Jackson and I made our way to Baltimore last week to check out the Maryland zoo. We had a pretty great day, and Jackson really loved the petting zoo part (he met a very forgiving goat who didn't mind Jackson pulling on him). However, Jonathon and I agree that it was a pretty small zoo and for he and I it wasn't as exciting as others. Jon likes the Omaha zoo better, while I'd vote for Denver or Phoenix. For Jackson, it was totally fine and we're really glad we went! He loved being outside all day and seeing new things. With that gorgeous weather we just couldn't stay home.
Jackson also got TWO teeth. He has worked so hard for them (Jon and I have, too!) and they came in within a day or two of each other. They are so stinkin cute and he has wasted no time trying to bite his toys. He's also sitting up on his own, except for when he gets really excited when the cat walks by, he reaches so far that he falls over. He's a tough boy and never cries.
Jonathon dug up most of our berm in our backyard. He hated the bushes that were already there and we'd rather plant tall flowers. Poor guy got a case of poison oak (which we still don't know how, I was in the same spots he was and I walked out fine), the doctor told him to get some calamine and the spots on his arms and shins are about gone.
My sister, Jennifer, is getting married tomorrow. I'm sad that my family won't be there, but at least my parents will be and it should be a nice day for her.
Jonathon, Jackson and I made our way to Baltimore last week to check out the Maryland zoo. We had a pretty great day, and Jackson really loved the petting zoo part (he met a very forgiving goat who didn't mind Jackson pulling on him). However, Jonathon and I agree that it was a pretty small zoo and for he and I it wasn't as exciting as others. Jon likes the Omaha zoo better, while I'd vote for Denver or Phoenix. For Jackson, it was totally fine and we're really glad we went! He loved being outside all day and seeing new things. With that gorgeous weather we just couldn't stay home.
Jackson also got TWO teeth. He has worked so hard for them (Jon and I have, too!) and they came in within a day or two of each other. They are so stinkin cute and he has wasted no time trying to bite his toys. He's also sitting up on his own, except for when he gets really excited when the cat walks by, he reaches so far that he falls over. He's a tough boy and never cries.
Jonathon dug up most of our berm in our backyard. He hated the bushes that were already there and we'd rather plant tall flowers. Poor guy got a case of poison oak (which we still don't know how, I was in the same spots he was and I walked out fine), the doctor told him to get some calamine and the spots on his arms and shins are about gone.
My sister, Jennifer, is getting married tomorrow. I'm sad that my family won't be there, but at least my parents will be and it should be a nice day for her.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Hopefully winter is over!
Jackson and I left February 17 for Colorado. He did pretty good on the way there! He slept a good part of the way and ended up eating two entire bottles (unusual) but overall I have no complaints! Some people even stopped me to tell me they didn't even know he was there because he was so good. I'm so glad I didn't have "that" baby that is always crying on flights.
The day after I got to Colorado it snowed. So after the crazy snow storms we got here in Maryland, I ended up bringing the snow with me to Colorado! It didn't hinder any of our plans though, and after a while I barely noticed it. My mom and dad were very prepared and had all of the baby supplies we'd need. That made the trip SO much easier, having an exersaucer, crib and various toys. Matthew, Emilie and Ricky were a great help and I wish I could bring them back with me! Emilie especially took to Jackson and really was a lot of times my mom's right hand. Jackson adored my dad, and smiled EVERY time he saw him. After two weeks, my dad may be deemed the favorite.
Speaking of which - I got to sleep!!! After five months of getting 3-4 hours of sleep is pretty rough, but my mom took him for night feedings which resulted in me getting some sleep! Mothers are wonderful. However, I did get sick and that cut into my sleeping a bit. What can ya do?
Seeing all of our Denver family was great! I love our get togethers and honestly it's something I miss the most about being young. We had a great "fiesta" with our Mexican food themed dinner and lots of great company around. Funny enough, Jackson was a hit with everyone, but especially the younger guys! J
We also shopped (Jackson JUST got new clothes about two weeks ago, but while we were in Colorado it was very apparent that he needed a bigger size again), ate out at my favorite places and played Uno with Jennifer and Emilie (I always win). It was a ton of fun and the only thing that could have made it better is if Jonathon was there, too. He was looking forward to his time alone, but after the first few days he was sad he wasn't with us. It was a good break for all, though!
Week wise, Jackson is six months old! I KNOW! But actual month wise, he won't be six months until March 14 (My sister's birthday). Maybe we'll have a half birthday party for him, haha. Now I'll be 23 tomorrow and Jonathon will be 26 eight days later. We're old! Growing up, birthday parties were huge at my house, and I think my 5th grade party was the best - - my mom set up an entire carnival party complete with games, tickets, concessions and prizes. I can only hope our kids' parties will be that cool! Now, I'm asking for a quiet night and ordering in.
If I don't get to it, here's a birthday shout out to my March birthday buddies - my cousins, Chris and Megan, my sisters Melanie and Jennifer, my friends Melanie and Shantel and my Aunt Laurie.
The day after I got to Colorado it snowed. So after the crazy snow storms we got here in Maryland, I ended up bringing the snow with me to Colorado! It didn't hinder any of our plans though, and after a while I barely noticed it. My mom and dad were very prepared and had all of the baby supplies we'd need. That made the trip SO much easier, having an exersaucer, crib and various toys. Matthew, Emilie and Ricky were a great help and I wish I could bring them back with me! Emilie especially took to Jackson and really was a lot of times my mom's right hand. Jackson adored my dad, and smiled EVERY time he saw him. After two weeks, my dad may be deemed the favorite.
Speaking of which - I got to sleep!!! After five months of getting 3-4 hours of sleep is pretty rough, but my mom took him for night feedings which resulted in me getting some sleep! Mothers are wonderful. However, I did get sick and that cut into my sleeping a bit. What can ya do?
Seeing all of our Denver family was great! I love our get togethers and honestly it's something I miss the most about being young. We had a great "fiesta" with our Mexican food themed dinner and lots of great company around. Funny enough, Jackson was a hit with everyone, but especially the younger guys! J
We also shopped (Jackson JUST got new clothes about two weeks ago, but while we were in Colorado it was very apparent that he needed a bigger size again), ate out at my favorite places and played Uno with Jennifer and Emilie (I always win). It was a ton of fun and the only thing that could have made it better is if Jonathon was there, too. He was looking forward to his time alone, but after the first few days he was sad he wasn't with us. It was a good break for all, though!
Week wise, Jackson is six months old! I KNOW! But actual month wise, he won't be six months until March 14 (My sister's birthday). Maybe we'll have a half birthday party for him, haha. Now I'll be 23 tomorrow and Jonathon will be 26 eight days later. We're old! Growing up, birthday parties were huge at my house, and I think my 5th grade party was the best - - my mom set up an entire carnival party complete with games, tickets, concessions and prizes. I can only hope our kids' parties will be that cool! Now, I'm asking for a quiet night and ordering in.
If I don't get to it, here's a birthday shout out to my March birthday buddies - my cousins, Chris and Megan, my sisters Melanie and Jennifer, my friends Melanie and Shantel and my Aunt Laurie.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
No more winter!!
Last I heard, the DC area got about 55 inches of snow so far. I used to live in Steamboat Springs (a ski resort) and they averaged more than 100 inches a year - however, down in Colorado, we're prepared for the snow. We know how to drive in it, we have plows that actually work well and life mostly goes on. Here in Maryland, life stops. If you dare brave the weather, there is one lane to drive in - - for BOTH directions and people are either going 5 miles an hour, or 75. It's ridiculous!
Jackson and I have had several snow days together now. We stay in and make cookies, do laundry and vacuum with our amazing new vacuum. Jonathon has had to shovel several times - and we've laid "safer than salt" with no real luck of keeping our driveway clear for any length of time.
Our baby boy is growing and growing! He's about 5 months, one week. That's so hard for us to believe! He's mostly in 6 month clothing, so lately I have been packing up an entire closet of clothes that no longer fit. He still loves his bath time, although he gives Jonathon and I a heart attack every time because he thinks it's funny to slide off the seat in his tub - NOT FUNNY. He can also work his way out of his Bumbo now. Jackson has found a love for rolling around and can't resist even when we're changing him. He's trying pretty hard to scoot himself - won't be too long until he's actually mobile.
He's eating solids a few times a day. I love giving him food because he doesn't throw it up like he does formula. Kids are supposed to spit up, but he takes it to a whole new level. He doesn't even like bottles now unless he's tired - so I sneak some scoops of formula into his fruit or veggies so he still gets some sort of nutrients from it.
Jonathon and I had a wonderful Valentines Day. He managed to somehow get the day off and surprised me with flowers and a beautiful necklace from Kay Jewelers. I'm such a lucky girl! Our 2nd wedding anniversary is in a couple days and we have some friends watching J while we go to Annapolis to eat at the Chop House. (I thought it was similar to the Chop Houses' that we have in CO - but apparently they just share a name) It's right on the water, and I'm so excited! Jon got me a massage back home, and he got 2 new video games and some charging thing for his 360.
My mom's flight got canceled to come out here. But I'm SO happy that she got a refund and can make another reservation to come help me with a couple things, and of course visit! I'll be in Colorado this month and although J and I will really miss Jonathon, I'm excited that he'll still have leave for Michigan, hunting and hopefully moving! This year marks his 4th year here, and he has expressed that he'd like orders. We'll see! It's certainly been an adventure here, but Jonathon and I want the best for Jackson, and growing up here isn't it.
Lastly, I'm very excited to go home and get some comfort food and sleep!! Jackson's Aunt Jennifer just moved into a new place and we're excited to see it. We'll get some pizza and nerds ropes and it will be like old times - complete with texting Jonathon haha, just like when we were dating. I can't wait to see all my friends and family!! Love you!
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