Wednesday, July 10, 2013

At the hospital..

Should I start at the beginning?

Jonathon was up all night the other night in terrible pain that left him vomitting for most of the night.  He was feeling better yesterday, and as usual, we attributed the pain to his reflux.

He went to work as normal today, came home fine.  I left with Emilie (who's been staying with us) to Wal Mart to grab a few things.  When I got back, I looked at Jonathon and told him his eyes were VERY yellow. He kept saying he was fine and no big deal.  I sat in our recliner to look up causes for jaundice and how to cook corn on the grill.  He came in from the grill, stood at the sink and turned the water on.  I looked up at him to tell him about the corn, and boom...he was gone.  I just watched him fall, flat backwards, hitting his head on our wood floor.

I called his name twice and ran over to him. Nothing.  His eyes were closed, he wasn't speaking.  Jackson had come over at that point and became hystercial.  He finally woke up, and laid on the floor for a moment.  He asked to sit up, and I yelled to Emilie to call my mom to get her to come take Jackson (since he was so hysterical and I needed to get Jon to the doctor as he had refused an ambulance).  My mom in the meantime had called my sister, Jennifer, to come get Em and Jackson so she could go with me to the hospital.

During that time, Jonathon passed out another 4-5 times.  I was able to get him to wake up a lot quicker than the inital fall, but still very scary.

It only took us 7 minutes to get to the closest hospital in Loveland, which is a whole lot quicker than the ambulance...although if it ever happens again, that's what he'll be riding in.  The ER nurse hooked him up to an IV and he seemed to get tons better in a short amount of time.  Dehydration?

His test results showed his liver enzymes are off the charts so they assumed it's gallbladder/liver issues.  After an ultra sound, it shows he has gall stones, however they aren't blocking anything so currently, they're unsure what is causing the liver issues and the passing out. We'll do more tests in the morning to see what's going on.  Until then, my mom left to take Jackson to her house since he was so hysterical over his dad. Jennifer said that as they were approaching the hospital to pick up my mom, he was yelling in the car, "I'm almost there Daddy! I'm on my way!"  Such a sweet boy.  I miss him tonight, but I really wanted to stay with Jonathon.  I have made myself at home on a really cool chair that pulls out to a bed. We'll see how my back feels tomorrow. ;)

Important thing is Jonathon didn't have this happen while he was driving home, or at his office since he's the ONLY one there this week.  Thank the Lord that he was home. 


M/C said...

Hi Natalie,
Hey, I need you to contact me if you receive this. I'm hoping you have our e-mail address? Thanks,
Cindy Pittack

M/C said...

Hi Natalie,
Hey, I need you to contact me if you receive this. I'm hoping you have our e-mail address? Thanks,
Cindy Pittack