Monday, June 8, 2009

Baby shower invites & Hope

Jonathon and I often go to a town called Bowie for the only Mexican food around - On the Border.
We went, and ate (a lot..), and then had a great idea - ok, my idea - to go to Pets Mart. For anyone who doesn't know, Pet's Mart has cats available for adoption from area shelters.

Jonathon and I picked up the much needed new cat toys and as we were walking, we decided to go in and look at the cats. Mind you, I've done this a million times and never walked out with a new cat. I'm actually not even an animal person - they are a lot of work and I hardly find them worth it. Don't confuse this with hating animals - I just don't want them at my house.

Anyway, Jonathon starts playing with this adorable little cat...and I do mean little. However, her sheet says she's a year old. (We're still debating if we believe it) She trots to the front of her cage and just won't let Jonathon leave. Needless to say, he falls in love. This is strange in itself, because Jonathon isn't a fan of all. After we got rid of our dog, he has kept saying he wants another one when we move. Right..

Ok, so we bought this cat. Jon names her "Hope" because he says he gave her hope for a home. Cute.. I'm dreading bringing her home because I already have a cat at home who believes he is an only child. He didn't like us for a few days, and wouldn't even come into our room. It appears now, however, that he is slowly coming around to the idea of having a friend around. She looks A LOT like my cat, I'm not even sure if people will be able to tell the difference except for the fact that she is half his size.

On to other things - I got my baby shower invite in the mail and they are ADORABLE. My mom is so creative I can't even believe it. She made up the little poem and really spent a long time on them. I'm posting some pictures of the invites...and in case you can't read the saying, here it is:

"Daddy keeps our country safe
While Mommy helps me grow
She takes me with her everyplace
and soon we're gonna go...
To Grandma's house to celebrate
With games and fun and pie
Things that make our country great
This Fourth Day of July.
I think I heard poor Mommy say
That two o'clocks the hour
My friends and family come to play
And throw her in the shower!"

I'm so excited to see everyone - not too long now! I have to go take my glucose test this week, and I have a doctor appointment next week - we have a new doctor which makes me nervous, but I'm sure she'll be fine. Jon's been missing the last few appointments since he works nights, staying up until 10am just isn't an option. But, I fill him in when he gets up and he gives me questions to ask the next time.

Jonathon is heading off to Iowa to take part in one of his very best friends' weddings in July. I'm sad I don't get to go as well - but I'll be 34 weeks pregnant, which is just too far a long to be traveling. So, I'm hoping he has a lot of fun with his friends and "his second family" - we're so happy for them.

Well, I better go start dinner before Jonathon gets home from the gym!

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