Friday, November 5, 2010

My poor baby!

Here's a little story for you.

We are Pampers users. We mostly use Pampers Baby Dry, but we also use the Cruisers. We happened to have a box of Luvs sitting upstairs and I thought we'd just use them up before moving. We started using them Sunday or Monday night.

He's been having several messy diapers a day, and I chalked it up to the teething and the occasional pain medicine. He has super sensitive skin, and we have to stay on top of putting a cream or powder on him for most diaper changes. Well, he was getting a bad rash that wasn't being cooperative with the Butt Paste. He was also waking up several times a night and getting up for the day around 5:30 a.m. He'd cry all day long and we could not for the life of us figure out his problem. We gave him Advil for his teeth (gosh, they are RIGHT under the gums. Come through already!!), Orajel, took him outside, nothing worked.

Yesterday was Thursday. It was really rainy all day so it was pretty dark in our house. Usually when J wakes up for the day, or from a nap, we leave the lights off for a few minutes and let him wake up a bit. I had the light from the tv and started to change his messy diaper. One stroke of the wipe and the kid is screaming. I quickly finish up and he calms down. The next diaper change, I'm showing Jon that Jackson's bottom isn't just a rash. It is on his thighs, his little biscuits and everywhere in between. It honestly looks like a sunburn. Jackson screams bloody murder if you touch it with a wipe, wash cloth or water.

I thought about the things that have changed in the last week. His diapers. I packed Jackson up in the car and took him to Target. In the entire hour we were gone, Jackson hardly moved. He didn't say one word. He just laid there. I bought our beloved Pampers, all 300 of them. After getting him home, we changed him right away and lathered him up with Butt Paste. I asked a friend if she had used Luvs before. She said, "Yeah, they were great until I found out my daughter was allergic to them". She described the exact same, and some worse, symptoms that Jackson also experienced.

After this long story, my poor baby was walking stiffly all night. He cuddled with me mostly. Jonathon woke him up every 2 hours and changed his diaper and re-applied the Butt Paste. This morning, I got up to a boy who slept until 6:45, has been smiling since and his rash is half way gone. The part that is still there was the really bad areas and I'm sure that will take a couple days to heal.

We just felt so bad for our little guy! I was SO thankful that it even occured to me to switch back to the Pampers. Who would have thought a diaper could cause such a burn? I remember all of the news that Pampers Cruisers caused burns on children because of the Dry Max, but they didn't give Jackson a problem whatsoever. I emailed Luvs, we'll see what they have to say. I remember using Luvs when Jackson was about 3 months old or so, and we did not have this problem. Maybe they changed?

In other big news, I took our bed apart. The head board and footboard are pretty heavy, so they will stay against the wall until Jonathon can help me bring them down. Our mattress is on the floor. It sounds so funny, even Jonathon laughed at me, but I love having the mattress on the floor. It feels like we're camping out or something. There is SO much to do, I'm really hoping my sister, Melanie, can come down from New York to help me. With Jackson being sick at the beginning of the week, and losing all day yesterday to his rash/pain, I'd love the help. Plus, truth be told, Melanie is WAY better at the little maticulous jobs.

1 comment:

The Young's said...


I have a diaper rahs tip for you... try using Calmoseptine (come in a tub or small jar... I sugest the tub, it's easier...ask for it at the Pharmacy counter at Walgreens) and mix it half and half with A&D ointment (or any generic) Just mix it in a container that has a lid (small Tupperware, plastic Gerber baby food container,.. etc)
The Calmoseptine is a mix of Zinc Oxide (most common rash ointment) and Menthol which helps cool and sooth acid type rashes. But since Zinc Oxide can be abrasive, you mix it with the A&D ointment which also works as a great liquid barrier.
Our Pediatrician is also the neonatoligist for the intensive care neonatal unit (nicu) at the hospital and she says thats what they use on the nicu babies because it is safe for sensitive skin but works fast.
When Andrew was one we had 27 days of diarrhea which left him with large bloody sores. The Calmoseptine mix works with in one or two days! It's now the ONLY thin I will use!